He did it and we watched it and here are the pictures, how sick are we?!?
Friday, July 31, 2009
More excitment...
He did it and we watched it and here are the pictures, how sick are we?!?
Their down!!!!!!!
It was such an exciting moment to hear the sonic booms as the shuttle broke through the earth's atmosphere and then landed at 10:48 a.m. this morning, wow! We were able to see the "speck" shortly after the booms as they lined up for the landing. They were very quiet as they made their way down the runway and then the crowd cheered as they quietly made their way gliding into view in front of us. While the landing runway is only visible for a few hundred yards to the gathered spectators it was enough to make you thrilled you came. What a great experience, well down Endeavour crew!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
Thoughts are:
- I like A/C!
- Manatees rock!
- The water is way awesome!
- Florida heat can be oppresive!
- Summer is going by too quickly!
I will hopefully have pictures of the landing tomorrow. Then I hope I will be able to upload them...maybe blogger is done being quirky, I have not had any trouble this week getting in and so I am hoping it is a glitch that has been fixed!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday Summary...
It's been a great week in our world, lots going on and it's all been good! PTL! We finally have all the changes done on "the street" and we are gearing up to WOW some higher ups with our exceptional Airmen here; blow them out of the water with a launch experience and then show them how we do all other facets of our mission right! It's going to be long days, longer nights but a rewarding end when it's over...
In other news of note, I have been cleared to enter the "I Dream of Jeanie" building! :) Not sure of the date and of course I doubt I will have pictures since it is a most secure facility but I will share when I do. I really do not know what they do in there, but I know it is very important, their motto is "In God we trust, all others we monitor!" I am honored they are going to arrange for me to enter :) Thanks LAO!
Highlights from the week:
- MiB used the new surfboard!
- LilBlue tried surfing...remains to be seen if she likes it!
- Poolside was lovely this week
- The "shirts" here are an AWESOME bunch
- I got a haircut :)
- Housing privatization is not as great as they try to make it sound :(
- New SNCOs have big shoes to fill...
- Brunch x2 with the "street ladies" was so much f u n!
I tried to upload some pics from this week to no avail...oh well! Life is good, God is great!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My little Surfer Boy...
Loading it on the car for the ride home in it's very own travel bag!
Shuttle BLAST OFF!
Since we needed to pick up LilBlue at the airport we really did not think we would see the launch at all...however, we did make it back to CCAFS and watched the lift off just outside the gate. While it was an awesome thing to see, I am looking forward to the next one and being much closer!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
NO GO...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Shuttle Update
So since our plans for the day have changed we are getting some household chores accomplished and planning to do Saturday services this evening.
Until we know more...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
- I am going to be glad for Friday...
- LilBlue drives up to NE tomorrow
- Looking forward to the shuttle launch!
- Being around Airmen can be exciting and exhausting.
- Standards are important and if you don't think so, ask MiB
Tomorrow will be a welcome day, I am ready for the weekend! I have spent this week with our newest Airmen to the base and while it has been fun, it has been a long week and I will be ready for the break of the weekend.
With the scheduled launch of Endeavour, we will be at the KSC and I am pretty stoked about that :) This is closer then the usual viewing area so how cool is that? I will hopefully have pictures to post when we return. I have been told traffic will be crazy up and down the A1A and it will take hours to get home but I think it will be worth it.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
First Run
He took 2nd in his age division which garnered us a way cool red, white and blue beach towel and the team he ran with took 2nd in the open teams division! Way to go CAV Runners; what a great way to start off the season!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Birthday America!
Boom, Boom, Ahhhh...God Bless America!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
Thursday Thoughts!
- Beach clean up IS very necessary!
- Walgreens is literally on every other corner here...
- I am hoping to snag some home grown 'maters for the 4th!
- I am learning to learn names very quickly and I am good with names but this is insane~
- Getting soaked in the rain is not fun, but at least when everyone gets soaked you can all laugh together!
Until the next entry, enjoy your day!
Sea Turtles are AMAZIIIING!!!
It was then time for the waiting game. We waited for the call on a nesting turtle sighting and we waited and waited and waited... And then the phone finally rang; a loggerhead sea turtle had come ashore and was beginning to nest and dig her clutch for depositing her eggs. In the next twenty minutes or so we would be able to go out and watch as she deposited the eggs, on average around 120 of them. They are about the size of ping pong balls. So we went to the 16th causeway and made our way down the beach waiting a safe distance until Martha, our guide, got word from Angy the turtle spotter, to proceed. Before we could approach the nesting turtle she had to be in the zone and laying the eggs or she would return to the sea without nesting, but once she has made the nest, dug the clutch and starts depositing eggs she will finish. This loggerhead was on the top end of her species size scale, she was 3.5-4 feet long, she was huge IMO!