Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Whew, it's been a whirlwind last few days...mySherry and Ky came to visit and we chatted, shopped, chatted, shopped, and did lots of eating...too much for me, I feel like a blob. But I did go get a walk in this morning after they got on the road heading home. We had fun!

Little Blue is back in school today, the official first day back is tomorrow but she had to be there today with the "welcome crew" of course the morning started dicey as my alarm DID NOT go off and we got a late start, but she put it in high gear and we were out the door in no time and off! I do hope she has a great day!

I need to get the house straightened up a bit and do some laundry, I may also mow, but not sure I am just taking it easy right now enjoying the quiet!

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