Reading is one of my favorite things to do. Lately I have had the time to do a lot of it, I am beyond thrilled, this is my pile for this evening. I usually do the paper in the a.m. but because I was trying to get out the door this morning it had to wait. I love to read the newspaper! Last night I finished a paperback library swap book that I picked up last week at Hurburt. I am about to start another one I also picked up there and I got the rest of these today where I volunteer. I also have last weeks AF TIMES which I always enjoy reading. It let's me catch up on the latest propaganda around the Air Force. Then I picked up some other freebie magazines to occupy me this coming week while LilBlue and I are lounging on the beach. Should be fabulous. Oh, I am one happy readin' girl!

Then there are the oranges...they are my latest go to fruit! Aren't they pretty and uh, orangey! LOL I "take spells" as my grandmother used to say, cause ya see I don't think I really have a favorite fruit but I do really like fruit and I like it a lot and it seems I get onto a fruit and I eat that a lot for several days even weeks on end then I don't really eat it again for awhile so that's why I said I 'take spells' see? Anyway, that is what is happening with oranges as of late. Before oranges it was strawberries. I love strawberries! does the body good!
Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. Hope you have a wonderful visit with Little Blue.
It's good to crave out time to do things like this:-)
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