Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

My honey let me sleep in, I managed to do that until after 7. Which is BIG in my world, I usually wake up and then have to get up, I don't do well going back to sleep...I wish I could but I just don't do that well.

I did a bit of nothing, then did some more nothing, while baking a cake. MiB went to the river and I had the house all to myself and did some more nothing while I also did a bit of laundry. Once I knew MiB was headed home I started a little bit of lunch prep. MiB was cooking out on the grill for me. I much prefer a home meal to out. I just do. I am not sure if this stems from the fact we eat out often for events or that I just prefer my own cooking but I like to eat at home! So it was baked potatoes, salad, corn, rolls and a nice steak on the grill! It was heaven. We ate at the table for the first time in I cannot even remember, we lingered over our food, talked about nothing and savored the moments of just being. 

After lunch we took in a movie. Yes, I chose a chick flick! I had read the book, it was good, typical ending, the guy gets the girl, but that's okay with me, I enjoyed it! 

Then this evening we had a little farewell gathering in the neighborhood for one of our own. The DOC and Ms S are moving on. We will miss them, they are a wonderful couple and we have loved them from the moment we met them. It's another one of those bittersweet things that comes with the territory!

I'm so sorry there are no pictures...I had my phone available just didn't use it! Booooo for me :/

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