Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
We went to two Christmas Eve services today. One was rockin' and enjoyable, but the second was traditional and more to my liking, but both proclaimed the good news and the fact that God keeps His promises. I loved all the music, the scriptures and the children dressed in their Christmas finery. We of course had our traditional Christmas Eve pizza and we went to the beach for a little bit. How could we not, it's 75o here, it's beautiful and unbelievable to me that it is December 24th. My friends and family back home are looking at ice and snow and much cooler temps then we are that's for sure!
The pies are baked, the noodles are drying and the sweet potatoes are candied, now all that is left is to fill the stockings then off to bed. I am ready, it's been somewhat of a tough week. The loss of a great friend and huge influence in my life has brought a bit of a heavy heart to me, but I know I can rejoice in the fact that we will see each other again. I find comfort in that and am so grateful for her Godly example to me, she was a true gem.
Merry Christmas! I hope the season has true meaning for you, that you take time to really savor the moments of family and friends no matter what your situation, it's not about the tinsel, the gifts or all that other stuff, it's about the day Christ was born, celebrate that and don't worry about the rest! Remember He is the real reason for the season!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Today is the day...
Being out of town this week helped the days go by, now today we are trying to stay busy and get through the day until she arrives. With the storm in the east I am so glad we had her connect in Atlanta and not Dulles as many of the flights were. So far no delays are reported even though it is snowing in her departure city. It is even cool and windy here today, so praying for traveling mercies until she has her feet on the ground right here in sunny FLORIDA!
More later!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
Even lil'blue had a snow day yesterday.
It's already after 8 and it's been a week already, so I am thinking early to bed this evening. We had the honor of being able to attend the retirement ceremony of MiB's brother on Tuesday. Wow, ARMY STRONG, he's been all over the world, he knows five languages and went from green to gold and served our country proudly, he is now a retiree. Seems unbelievable! He's a great guy and was an asset to the USA, he will continue to serve but will no longer wear the rank of a major; he will be serving in one of the "stans". He will continue to make a difference, we are proud of him, thanks for your dedication and service MM!
- I like lemon bars!
- I really need to watch my eating better...
- LilBlue will arrive in 10 days :) if you were counting.
- Hmmm...retirement, maybe not as far off as I once thought!
- I am thinking sand is not as bad as snow, but snow is prettier!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
DECEMBER...and already the 3rd!
I do have all my shopping done with the exception of picking up a few more stocking stuffers, all gifts are wrapped minus one, which is waiting on some attention from MiB before proceeding and the house is decorated except the main tree which we will do the night lil'blue arrives so it's not an issue that the holidays are here, it's that Decmeber is here; it just seems like the year has gone by too quickly.
I am super excited for lil'blues arrival in just 16 more days-(not that I am counting or anything :), we will have her for 15 short days, so much to do, share, create in so little time...but we will be living each day to the fullest!
Thursday Thoughts!
- Lots to do in so many areas
- Being pulled in ALL directions
- Everyone seems to want some of me
- I feel a lil' teensy weensy bit OVERWHELMED
- I'm so thankful we celebrate the true reason for the season
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
When I think about being thankful I think in terms like how blessed I am. I have been provided a very nice house to live in with great A/C, I have a bed to sleep in with wonderfully soft sheets, two cars in my garage that are paid for, no real worries. I am wonderfully blessed by a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, a great family. All things but I am blessed through them, I am also blessed by my surroundings...the beauty of God's creation like the ocean across the street, palm trees in our front yard, the alligator in the pond out back (okay, maybe not him) but definitely the manatees over at the marina!
I am a fortunate American, I love our country, I hope others take time to be thankful for all that they have. We are a nation who lives in abundance. We are a nation at war. I try to not get wrapped up in the materialism that bombards me every single day; it's hard. And I am not even one that would be considered a materialistic person; however, sometimes the media can really suck us in. It's a constant struggle to remember our abundant wealth, to be content with what we have, to love each other and not things. It is one of my goals to do more with less, by living below our means and be thankful for all things in all circumstances, it's not easy, it's downright hard on some days, but I continue to make it a priority.
One time my second sister said Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday because it is all the great food and family time without the hoopla of the gift giving frenzy that Christmas brings. On many levels I agree with her. Unfortunately, I have come to kind of dread the Christmas gift giving tradition, seems the real meaning of the season has gotten lost in the commercialism of America.
Anyway, my noodles are drying, the pies are baked, the sweet potatoes are candied and I am taking a quick cyber break. Tomorrow we will take food over and serve to the on duty Defender's then go on over to serve our nation's best and brightest Airmen in the dining facility before coming home to sit down to an evening gathering with "three doors down" and anyone else who was invited that chooses to join us. We will eat way too much I know, but I can't wait! It will be yummy :)
Tonight we are attending the inter-faith Thanksgiving service at the chapel followed by a pie social, it is usually a great service since so many different faiths come together for this event and are represented. I am excited to go, it's always good to get together to be thankful for all that we have been provided and to worship the one who has provided it all!
So I wish you a HAPPY, HAPPY Thanksgiving and remember at my house there will be no turkeys, only a fabulous ham :)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Oh my...
I missed last week since we were in L.A. and I wanted to atleast note we are back. Well, maybe I should clarify that "we" as in we were back and one of us has gone again...back to L.A. but not the one in California, the other L.A. the one that we affectionately call lower Alabama. That's right MiB is back in Montgomery he was there a few days before we left, and now is back. A lot of things are wrapping up before the holidays really kick in that he needs to attend. As a matter of fact if it would not have been Thanksgiving week, I would have went as well. Maybe next time :)
So the California trip was good, less jaw dropping this time since it was my second go 'round, but it was still a great time, learned some new things and got to have Sprinkles again!!!! And believe it or not the cupcake eating made me think of this lady, who is always so super sweet and pops in on me regulary with encouraging, uplifting words! Thanks Susie.
BTW I had three of those super delicious cupcakes over three days this year...carrot, which by far was my favorite, pumpkin, close second, lemon and milk chocolate, good, very good, but nothing to really get overly excited about! Whoops, guess I had four!!!! It was all I could do NOT to tear into the ones we brought home for "three doors down" Their flavors were strawberry, which I have never had, pumpkin, chocolate marshmallow and milk chocolate.
On top of that we stopped back in at this little piece of heaven where I enjoyed with my MiB a Passionfruit/Coconut swirl with toppings of blueberry, strawberry and pomegranate seeds. Oh, it was wonderfully delicious.
We also had great burgers and fries at the Beverly Hills Diner on Thursday night, which is on the corner of Santa Monica and Beverly Drive. For the middle of BH it was a great little place with just what we were looking for, nice semi greasy burgers and crispy, hot, fat fries. They also had milkshakes that looked incredibly good, but we knew we wanted PinkBerry so we passed, which was really tough cause the people behind us had one and they were HUGE.
Lunch on Friday was another treat for our tastebuds as we dined with the Bird on Italian fare. Soooo good, I was totally impressed with this place, without a doubt the best I have had since leaving Italy. DaPasquale's nailed not only the food but the cappuccino, it was fabulous! We will definitely go back if we have the opportunity.
On Thursday evening after our diner meal we also strolled down Rodeo Drive which was pretty neat. They already have their Christmas decorations up so it was very nice to take it all in with the holiday visuals and especially in the evening hours. By far we loved the penguins in the fountain with their holiday ties on the best, that was super cute! But the late breaking news is that when we went back to stroll on Friday afternoon we actually made a purchase at the COACH store...yeah, I know, I couldn't believe it either; and get this, it wasn't even for me!! MiB needed a new wallet so we came out with one that should last awhile. He doesn't get it until Christmas but so worth the's a very nice wallet.
The sad thing about this trip is that I took pictures only with my phone so I don't have any uploads, but the good news is that a new camera is on the top of my Christmas list so I think MiB will need to go shopping...
Enough from me; I am so tired and so ready to be in my jammies and do some before bedtime reading before I slip off into dreamland. It's been a long day and I am very much looking forward to a good night's sleep. Night!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Oh Happy DAY!
I am in the midst of packing for the Cali trip...this is no small undertaking when you consider every day of this trip has me in two different wardrobes. The dress for the conference each day is business attire, then each evening is another style from Sunday night's smart casual, to Monday evening being semi formal, then on Tuesday is it semi casual, Wednesday is cocktail attire, then Thursday it is back to smart casual. Friday is the all out formal for the AFA sponsored AF Ball. It is so hard to really know what to take that will work because even with the guidance I am given there will be those who really dress to the nines and those who have on totally inappropriate attire (like the guy who wore shorts and flip flops to the smart casual event). I try to be comfortable in my skin and in the mix of what qualifies for the guidelines given me by protocol and not embarrass myself! Of course, I am also trying to mix and match my wardrobe pieces but the shoes for each type of clothing is really throwing me off. However, I think I am finally getting it narrowed down! Also we are touring the Boeing facility on Thursday morning and the requirements for that little adventure are long and tedious!! No exposed skin between your pants and your shoes, no perfume, no open toed shoes, no hair accessories, no clothing that sheds, heels that are less then 2 inches and that have at least a one inch minimum surface to name a few and on top of that we will put on "clean suits" and will not be allowed to take notes, purses or electronic equipment to include a camera. I cannot remember the last time I had so many rules for a tour! Sometimes, I wish I had a uniform like MiB then there would be no question of what to wear for the majority of events!!!!
Anywho, I am really looking forward to the trip; even though it is a full schedule it is a fun one! MiB will be briefing this year and that is always fun for me to get to be in on! There will be much to be learned, lots to bring back, along with friendships to rekindle and new ones to forge. What a great way of life the USAF provides, we know it's a small world and each year of this life in the blue we are amazed at how much smaller it gets! How neat it is to see who we will know and who we will get to know.
Oh, and we musn't forget we are again privileged to be able to stay at that swanky hotel again this year!!! The one that we had a room in the pool cabana, with our own "pool boy" who brought me water while I napped on the lounges. Oh my, I am looking forward to that again, what a place!
- I don't like turkey :(
- I really am a traditionalist...
- I am enjoying a cup of Earl Gray!
- I love the brisk fall like weather we are having today!
- I am a petite, which makes clothes shopping challenging.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
The days are still quite warm here, but I know the calendar shows we are in November. I really like it, however, it is a bit odd. Although I did pull out a denim jacket the other day while I ran out to an evening meeting. I didn't really need it for the outdoor environment, but with the A/C in the building it was nice to have.
I find myself wondering what I do, but then I look at my calender and see I do many things because there are many things listed on it, but some days I wonder what I really do...something I have been pondering amongst the many meetings, volunteer commitments, social engagements, church, graduations, proclamations, "fill in the blank" drives, promotions, tours, launches, retirements, etc.that I attend. I do feel like sometimes my garage door goes up and down more then the stock market as I dash in and out going to and fro and at the end of the day I wonder what did I do today? It is my intent to do those things that be glorifying to my God. So I smile as often as possible, give an encouraging word, hopefully, bring a smile to someone else, lighten a load, lend a hand, offer experience and be a friend to the friendless. I do not aim to be in the midst of the hubbub, I prefer the background, I so do not want to make someone else feel uncomfortable, or unworthy or out of sorts because of my presence, I desire to be approachable, friendly and received with no pretenses. These are not easy things to achieve, these are not extraordinary things that most of us would not want, but I find myself struggling to keep my life in perspective, to not get up in arms over things that are out of my control, to be gracious in my many circumstances, to be positive, to be a good role model. I trust God for my wisdom, strength and my salvation and I find it incredible that others make it in life without Him, I know I could not, I don't even want to try, I thank God that He loves me, day in and day out in spite of my many shortcomings.
My thoughts today are...
- I am thankful for life!
- I am thankful for a new friend.
- I am thankful for getaway trips!
- I am thankful for iced pumpkin spice coffee :)
- I am thankful for the protocol staff who keeps me in line!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
November 1st
I feel like I have lost a few weeks so the quick rap is that we had a blast with our guests two weeks ago. We did long lunches, exteded beach walks, sightseeing, shopping, card playing nightly, ate lots of skittles and hot tamales, and enjoyed a lot of laughs, along with a girls morning of manis and pedis. It was a week that went by all too quickly. I miss them, I miss the closeness of family; being in NE spoiled me since it was just a short 4.5 hour drive, we are so much farther away and I feel the disconnect all too much. In fact I got an email from one of the second sisters this week and it was so sad that we have not chatted since summer. I know life is rolling along on their end just as it is on mine and our worlds have not intersected lately, it makes my heart heavy! I do try to keep up with "the littles" and I talked to them often at Gigi's and this week of course one just breathed into the phone (I was told she grinned while we were talking) and the other excitedly told me he was "tree now"! I miss them...I miss them all! I'm also all too aware that they are walking through some tough stuff as they try to tie up loose ends from Papa's passing, not an easy tasks...
Anyway onto this week, I had the opportunity to "ride along" with MIB to the panhandle this week and enjoy a few days away. What a great getaway!! I savored the few days away, just the two of us with very little commitments to see to, it was awesomeness at its best. I love getting these little taste of our retirement future!
Beach time is still high on our to do list and the agenda most days is head out after work, the weather has been so conducive for this, then home for a quick, light dinner, before a quiet evening and early to bed to do it all over again. Since MIB is in marathon training mode, runs take place in the early morning hours to beat the heat so our bedtime has moved up significantly, evening beach going helps us to wind down and call it an evening very easily. In fact, as soon as I get this post done we are heading out to enjoy the sand and surf today! So that's a wrap...and we are outta here :)
Until next time!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
YouWho it's Thursday!
It's been steady this week, just enough things in the day to keep me out of the house for at least a few hours everyday, which made it somewhat challenging preparing for our visitors. But there are no worries, I have most of the cobweb downs and rearranged the dust so it is all good! We have a lot more room in this house and it is not uncommon for me to not even go upstairs for several days at a time. Really, before I went up to clean I cannot even remember the last time I went up there...hmmm, I bet it was when I ran up there to retrieve something off the printer; that is really all I go up there for! That's bad...I hope to start spending some more time up there as that is where I have located all my scrap booking supplies. Anyway, when I did go up there this week to spiff things up I was not thrilled to find several dead bugs...yeah, one dead wasp, two dead flies and several dead earwigs I think that is what they are called and one very alive silverfish, YUCK, I am not one who I would consider afraid of bugs but I still don't like them, especially in my house!
So on Saturday night we will be dining at Cheesecake Factory, yuuuuuummmmy! I cannot believe mySherry has never been. This I found unbelievable and made it my mission to be take her while she is here! Then on to our hotel for a relaxing/restful evening with some pool time I imagine and then Sunday, it is "SEAWORLD, here we come"!
Then we will head back to Cocoa Beach and spend the week beachin' it, shopping, long lunches out, late night conversations and games I am sure it will be mucho funo! Looking forward to it! I am sooooo excited! Of course, we will do some touristy things in the area as well but mainly just hang out and relax.
Thursday Thoughts!
- I love my MIB
- It's raining and I love it!
- I miss my family most this time of year.
- It's hard to be so far away from family...
- I got a $2.49 pumpkin at Aldi this week!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ahhh Thursday!
I mean who doesn't like the weekend, right? MiB has been gone this week to "the Hill" and returned today, yeah!!! It was a good visit from the emails I got and I am sure I will hear more about it when we get to sit down and have dinner or lunch or coffee on the beach together this weekend. However, I just returned home and found MiB laid out in the bed...not good, he is feeling crummy, he is nauseous, severely nauseous, along with a headache. He doesn't have a temp to the touch but he says he is having episodes of sweating, then feeling chilled. Lord, please don't let it be the flu, especially the pig kind...while I don't want him to be ill at all, I pray that it is just a gastrointestinal viral bug that bit him and nothing more and it will pass on by quickly, very quickly. In Jesus name, AMEN. And really, I do not think at all it is the swine flu, but everyone seems to think that is what someone has the minute they hear anyone is sick. His symptoms at this point would lead one to believe it is a classic stomach virus.
I have many thoughts swirling around in my head this afternoon...this morning I joined others from the community to pay respect to a fallen soldier from Satellite Beach. It was a humbling, sobering experience. We held out our flags as the breeze made them wave while the black hearse made it's way down South Patrick Drive. They were waving goodbye. While the southbound lanes were closed, northbound lane drivers immediately pulled over and came to a stop when they realized what was happening. Some drivers even exited their vehicles to stand in silence as the family cars along with the Patriot Guard made their way to the funeral home. There was a long procession of vehicles, it was painfully silent as the cars continued to file by.

This makes me sad, he was so young. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for his country. I am so proud to be an AMERICAN, I am proud to be a military wife. I think about the fact that this time last year my own MiB was serving in the same country that this young soldier died in. It seems to get more dangerous by the day, I am thankful, I am grateful for those who continue to fight to keep our country free and to help others seek freedom for their countries as well, we are a great nation and today many were reminded we are a nation at war, a war that is deadly, a war that is costly in human lives. I am sad that many people in our country do not seem to realize we are at war. We live our lives with such careless disregard to this fact, it is not like the other wars we have been in, it is a feeling I find hard to describe.
On a different note here are my Thursday thoughts:
- Tomorrow is F R I D A Y :) TGIF
- I ordered more blueberry coffee :0)
- The youth group pumpkins arrive tonight :p
- I like dried cranberries, walnuts and raisins!
- There is a pink flamingo party this weekend!
Hope you have a fantabulous weekend! I plan to!
Monday, October 5, 2009
A walk down engagement lane...
So what has sustained us? Like I said there is no magic potion that I am aware of...but there is a lot of patience, lots of unconditional love, laughter and a love of God, not in that order... We try to honor each other every day, we try to keep it fresh and new, we try to not fall into ruts, (I had my first surfing lesson yesterday, I wouldn't try that for just anyone!), we keep God first and balance all the other demands in our life. We are pulled in many directions with MiB's job, we make the choice to do those things we can do together before we choose those things we do separately, some people think we are joined at the hip, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing :) and we really aren't, we each have some different interests that we keep up with but we do try to make sure we aren't consumed by them. We try to heed that advice given to us from those who have succeeded, such as
- NEVER, ever, ever go to bed mad
- Treat each other as you are still dating
- Do not speak poorly of your mate to anyone
Don't kid yourself, we have had our own set of ups and downs...we have not always kept to the solid advice give but we have tried. We have also done marriage retreats, couples weekends and rented ears...all to make sure we stayed on solid ground. We have worked through some deep issues, we have had "moments", we are human, life is not always a cake walk and far from perfect but we try to continue to grow together in our marriage and we continually give God the glory for our life. It's worked for us and we have thankfully avoided a marriage on the rocks. I pray daily for MiB and I know he does the same for me, we pray together, we worship together, we do life together, we do not live separate lives and live under the same roof, we do it together, ALL of it, the good, the better and the best~
I am so glad I said, YES" all those years ago!
143 MiB :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday Thoughts...
Fall has officially arrived everywhere but here, we are still quite warm; however, they say we will be getting a cold front from the midwest soon. We'll see, but I am not thinking there will be any frost on the pumpkin, mold maybe but not frost!
Our traveling adventures will begin again now that cooler weather is around the corner. In fact, we start off with having company in a couple weeks and will do some local things in O and here around our area with them. Then MiB and I head to the Panama City area for a few days where I am just the tagalong but will enjoy the surroundings! After that we have a few days at home before we head out to California for two weeks. I am really excited to get to go back to Cali where we will spend a week exploring the southern part of the state before heading up to L.A. for our conference. I wanted to go across the border but there are restrictions on MiB preventing us from doing that so we will be skipping it this time. There will be plenty of other things to do so no worries!
This week has been busy, but good, with lots of sand between my toes time so life is good!
- Pumpkins make me smile!
- Pumpkin coffee is a great treat.
- Pumpkin pie is a favorite of mine.
- Pumpkins just scream F A L L in my book.
- Pumpkins are orange (couldn't resist the obvious)
Until I write again...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today the celebratory picnic is going on, then tomorrow is a reward day off, I hope everyone takes advantage of this and spends some time with their families, who probably feel somewhat neglected after the last several weeks of inspection madness. But it is now over, time to regroup and recharge and start on the next chapter of life here on the space coast. It's all good, we passed! We got the best score to date in our command, we are rockin'!
We are also trying to get another rocket in the air and at first the weather was not cooperative, now it's a fuel line leak, so here's looking to tomorrow for our next successful launch! The space business is definitely booming here!
So thoughts of this Thursday...
- Days off are NEVER overrated.
- My MiB is loving this surfing gig!
- Cheesecake is a favorite of mine!
- We are trying out a LifeGroup on Sunday...
- I love to read and have been getting in some pages lately :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hmmmm, Thursday :)
Anyway, I am looking forward to getting back to our more normal routine of meals together, bumming around at the beach in the evenings, lazy weekend mornings if we choose. I am also starting to plan the week for our company in October, SeaWorld here we come :) Furthermore, I am attempting to make final decisions for our CALI trip in November as well. And finally, I need to see if we are still on as the host for MiBs side of the family for Christmas this year. Fun stuff for the fall, which is my favorite time of the year. However, I am not sure how fall-like it will be here???
- I got a new beach chair :)
- Zuchinni muffins are one of my favs.
- I'm so glad I take time to pray daily.
- I can still run pretty fast when I need to!
- The weekend is too far away this week...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thoughts on Thursday
We so enjoyed a great 4 day weekend, the adventure to Orlando was fun, we stopped at an outlet mall, regular mall, IKEA, Cheesecake Factory (YUUUUUUMMY) and a few others, it was a great day. Then we did check out the SurfFest in CB. It was a happening place, I think that is all I will say about that. Again, it was a great weekend. I think we will head back over to hit IKEA for a few things with the BIG car, since we were in the SMART there was no room to really bring anything home from there.
So tonight I hope to see another shuttle landing, but right now the weather is not looking favorable. I am thrilled to have finally found a set of linens I like for our bedroom. I went with sage green. I am still getting that room together and it is much harder then I anticipated but I am still working it as often as my non creative brain allows!
- I like FL
- I do not like sand in my car
- Visitor's are scheduled for Oct :)
- College girl seems to be doing well
- I like to cook; cooking for 2 is harder then for 3
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday Thought returns :)
Right now we are in the beginning stages of an indepth look at our base, so stress is a bit high and I for one will be glad when 23 September rolls around and it will all hopefully be O V E R. For those of you who are my military friends, read that as we are having an ORI!
- Take time to love
- Enjoy what you have...
- Never, ever think you know it all!
- His mercies are new EVERY morning
- Attempt to learn something NEW everyday.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
The time we have is never certain, love the ones you love deeply and daily. I am so thankful for life, a healthy one at that, I think I take too many things for granted but I think that is true for many.
My thoughts...
- Be thankful
- Live life daily
- Never say never
- Take care of the little things
- Make life worth living, because it is
Thinking I have had some great moments this week, some down moments, some uncertain moments, but through it all I have trusted that He is in control. I pray that those I love trust that He is in control as well. I am so thrilled to know that even when life as I know it on this earth draws to a close I still have eternity to look forward to, and that is such an optimistic outlook that makes me smile to think of. And to one day be able to see again those fellow believers who have gone on before me how cool is that?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Well, yeah, it is Thursday...
- Trust in Him
- Keep the faith
- Prayer is powerful
- Continue on for the greater good
- Don't let things out of your control get you down
All good things that are easy to type up and harder to's looking to be a bit of a valley time here in the land of blue, hoping for an escalator up the mountain, but the reality is it could be a long road out. I am lacing up my hiking boots, filling up my water bottle, gathering my rations and I am ready to tackle that climb; one step at a time. When I do reach the top, or wherever it is I am going, I may or may not like what I see, it may or may look like what I thought it would, it may be a big hill or an enormous mountain that I am climbing. In all actuality I am not sure what I am climbing, but I know that I am climbing up and I am going up and I am going to do it one step at a time. I have such a wealth of emotions and reservations about blogging them at all, but decided, "go for it" and I pray you will pray for us as you read this, we are in need of guidance and direction. Often times things are not as they seem, this is one of those times.
To clear any doubts, the marriage is as solid as ever, the daughter is doing as good as ever, this is a blue thing and it's tough to think that the blue is fading...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
ER Visit for LilBlue
Friday, July 31, 2009
More excitment...
He did it and we watched it and here are the pictures, how sick are we?!?
Their down!!!!!!!
It was such an exciting moment to hear the sonic booms as the shuttle broke through the earth's atmosphere and then landed at 10:48 a.m. this morning, wow! We were able to see the "speck" shortly after the booms as they lined up for the landing. They were very quiet as they made their way down the runway and then the crowd cheered as they quietly made their way gliding into view in front of us. While the landing runway is only visible for a few hundred yards to the gathered spectators it was enough to make you thrilled you came. What a great experience, well down Endeavour crew!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
Thoughts are:
- I like A/C!
- Manatees rock!
- The water is way awesome!
- Florida heat can be oppresive!
- Summer is going by too quickly!
I will hopefully have pictures of the landing tomorrow. Then I hope I will be able to upload them...maybe blogger is done being quirky, I have not had any trouble this week getting in and so I am hoping it is a glitch that has been fixed!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday Summary...
It's been a great week in our world, lots going on and it's all been good! PTL! We finally have all the changes done on "the street" and we are gearing up to WOW some higher ups with our exceptional Airmen here; blow them out of the water with a launch experience and then show them how we do all other facets of our mission right! It's going to be long days, longer nights but a rewarding end when it's over...
In other news of note, I have been cleared to enter the "I Dream of Jeanie" building! :) Not sure of the date and of course I doubt I will have pictures since it is a most secure facility but I will share when I do. I really do not know what they do in there, but I know it is very important, their motto is "In God we trust, all others we monitor!" I am honored they are going to arrange for me to enter :) Thanks LAO!
Highlights from the week:
- MiB used the new surfboard!
- LilBlue tried surfing...remains to be seen if she likes it!
- Poolside was lovely this week
- The "shirts" here are an AWESOME bunch
- I got a haircut :)
- Housing privatization is not as great as they try to make it sound :(
- New SNCOs have big shoes to fill...
- Brunch x2 with the "street ladies" was so much f u n!
I tried to upload some pics from this week to no avail...oh well! Life is good, God is great!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My little Surfer Boy...
Loading it on the car for the ride home in it's very own travel bag!
Shuttle BLAST OFF!
Since we needed to pick up LilBlue at the airport we really did not think we would see the launch at all...however, we did make it back to CCAFS and watched the lift off just outside the gate. While it was an awesome thing to see, I am looking forward to the next one and being much closer!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
NO GO...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Shuttle Update
So since our plans for the day have changed we are getting some household chores accomplished and planning to do Saturday services this evening.
Until we know more...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
- I am going to be glad for Friday...
- LilBlue drives up to NE tomorrow
- Looking forward to the shuttle launch!
- Being around Airmen can be exciting and exhausting.
- Standards are important and if you don't think so, ask MiB
Tomorrow will be a welcome day, I am ready for the weekend! I have spent this week with our newest Airmen to the base and while it has been fun, it has been a long week and I will be ready for the break of the weekend.
With the scheduled launch of Endeavour, we will be at the KSC and I am pretty stoked about that :) This is closer then the usual viewing area so how cool is that? I will hopefully have pictures to post when we return. I have been told traffic will be crazy up and down the A1A and it will take hours to get home but I think it will be worth it.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
First Run
He took 2nd in his age division which garnered us a way cool red, white and blue beach towel and the team he ran with took 2nd in the open teams division! Way to go CAV Runners; what a great way to start off the season!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Birthday America!
Boom, Boom, Ahhhh...God Bless America!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
Thursday Thoughts!
- Beach clean up IS very necessary!
- Walgreens is literally on every other corner here...
- I am hoping to snag some home grown 'maters for the 4th!
- I am learning to learn names very quickly and I am good with names but this is insane~
- Getting soaked in the rain is not fun, but at least when everyone gets soaked you can all laugh together!
Until the next entry, enjoy your day!
Sea Turtles are AMAZIIIING!!!
It was then time for the waiting game. We waited for the call on a nesting turtle sighting and we waited and waited and waited... And then the phone finally rang; a loggerhead sea turtle had come ashore and was beginning to nest and dig her clutch for depositing her eggs. In the next twenty minutes or so we would be able to go out and watch as she deposited the eggs, on average around 120 of them. They are about the size of ping pong balls. So we went to the 16th causeway and made our way down the beach waiting a safe distance until Martha, our guide, got word from Angy the turtle spotter, to proceed. Before we could approach the nesting turtle she had to be in the zone and laying the eggs or she would return to the sea without nesting, but once she has made the nest, dug the clutch and starts depositing eggs she will finish. This loggerhead was on the top end of her species size scale, she was 3.5-4 feet long, she was huge IMO!

Monday, June 29, 2009
Art, hmmm, I do like it!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Have a great weekend, take time to be thankful for the views in your world!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's Thursday!!!
Thoughts for Thursday
- Found three new thrift shops today!!!
- Summer HAS arrived, translate: IT'S HOT here!
- I'm ready for some homegrown 'maters anytime now.
- I love walking on the beach pretty much anytime I choose to.
- I am thrilled to find a great selection of petite clothing at most stores!
Since MiB has a CivMil function to attend this evening that leaves me with some downtime. My bathtub has been calling me since I arrived and tonight I will answer that call :) I really need a good foot soak and some bubbles so me and my bathtub will be spending some quality time together tonight. The bathtub in this new house looks awesome...see?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Off she goes...
Of course she will return in a few weeks and then we will do the BIG send off, but we aren't going to think about that right now...
Over and out!
Friday, June 19, 2009
1-2-3 Blast Off!
I will try to get pictures at the next launch. It was our first launch and since it was off, on, off then back on again, they picked up the T count at -4:00 minutes and counting so we rushed to the outer viewing platform and by the time we got in place and had our binnoculars out, it was blasting off towards the moon before we could snap a picture. It was also very cloudy so the rocket was only viewable for a short amount of time, then it was in the clouds, we saw it again for a split second and then it was in the clouds again. Hopefully, next time I will be more prepared and ready to get a picture! While we did not feel it in our chest like they said we would the space shuttle we could feel the earth move and that was a unique feeling that was quite awesome. Looking forward to the next one and being a little more prepared.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
While I am thrilled to be here, it is a different pace then I anticipated and the community is much more mature then I was expecting as well; therefore I have made some observations that I will share!
- There are NOT orange trees everywhere!
- A lot of people here cannot see over the steering wheel.
- There are many people here that have very little or no hair.
- What hair they do still have is in various shades of gray/blue.
- I understand why our insurance premiums more then doubled.
Later today we are going to see the Atlas V rocket launch today! It will be exciting and I will post some pictures later from this adventure! And if you should be wondering, the 101 class at the church was really good and we think this will be the place for us. They are mission minded and definitely think outside the walls which is something we like and feel is important so now we will be looking at small groups to try out and find our niche!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
In other news I will be going to my first rocket launch tomorrow afternoon. I understand I will be close enough to "feel it in my chest" which sounds pretty exciting and scary all in one, I will let you know about that afterwards and post some pictures as well. We will be viewing the launch from on top of the MOC. I wish I could tell you what that stood for but then I would have to kill you so I can't :) Actually, I do not even know what it stands for but I am planning to find out tomorrow, then I will fill you in; but I do know I am not allowed to have any food or drink while I in this facility so it must be one of those sanitized environments!
I think we are going to enjoy the pool this afternoon and then we have a 101 class at the church we have been going to this evening so we can learn all about it and see if we still want to sign on. The last couple churches we have gone to have had these classes and while I understand it, it is such a change from the old days of going to a new church for awhile, checking out the Sunday School classes to see if you like it enough to walk the aisle to "move your letter". I think I am what some would consider old school :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Cape Canaveral Tour
Anyway, the tour was outstanding and Mr D. was a great guide! Here are a few photos from the many we took!