Thursday, January 29, 2009
Friday Flashback
Thursday Thoughts!
I cannot believe it is already Thursday, I think I am losing time...better then my mind, I suppose!
- I am pretty sure I am ready for Spring!
- I am also ready for looooong walks on the beach with MiB!
- I certainly do love almond M&Ms, they are my new favorites =)
- I have been sorting and sending pictures here all week!
- The pre-packaged spicy guacamole at Aldi IS spicy but good.
Enjoy your evening!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Blink and he's gone

Papa Smurf update: another surgery has been scheduled for 4 Feb in KC, MO. Once he has recovered from this latest surgery, the radiation treatments begin, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. He is feeling better then he has in quite some time and enjoying the littles.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday Flashback
I am ready to think Spring...

They did end up coming in last place...but they were still winners to us :)
Italy 2004
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
The weather has been all over the map, today we were 52 degrees, tomorrow we are only going to be in the 20's and on Sunday we are in for snow again (hopefully, not enough to cause issues for MiB to fly out), it's been crazy! But we are taking advantage of everything to go and do and just soak in togetherness, we are making up for lost time, storing up for moments ahead that cannot be regained, it's bittersweet and tears flow at the drop of a hat, it's lovely and painful all in the same breath, I can't wish the day's away, but I look forward to the day that we are consistently sleeping under the same roof.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
PRE celebration
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Lil Blue!!!!
This is Unlce G, MiBs identical twin, who was the first of family to arrive within an hour of her birth.
Since it was the wee hours of the morning, the ER folks sent me upstairs for “monitoring” I was monitored throughout the night, the doctor showed up around 8:00 a.m. and “checked” me, then said we are going to have a baby today, I told him we could not have a baby today it was too soon and that I wanted to go home. He said too late, you are in labor (they had internal and external monitors on but I really wasn’t’ feeling the contractions) and that baby is coming out today. It was then I started to get a tad bit panicky, I was alone at the hospital and no one even knew it…and now they were telling me I was going to have the baby.
Quickly phone calls were made to family in MO, they would be leaving ASAP. Local phone calls to church family were made and “sisters” were on their way. Within minutes of the “sisters” arriving, the baby was coming and MO family arrived within a few hours of her birth. It was not at all how I planned it, it was very emotional and knowing that my husband missed it made me all the more weepy.
“They” were able to get a line through to MiB so I did get to talk with him. All I could really tell him was that she was beautiful. He says he knew something was up because he had called the house in the night and no one answered; then when he was woke up and told to go wait for a phone call he said he just had that feeling something was going on. He was relieved to learn all was well.
What I didn’t know was that “the war” broke out. That was not revealed to me until the next morning, when I was being discharged from the base hospital because they are deploying the med folks. My family had kept the TV off in my room, I had no idea, they didn’t want me to worry, yeah right!
LilBlue has been dubbed “Stormy” since she was born the day Desert Storm began turns 18 today, Happy Birthday sweetheart, God truly blessed us the day you were born! 143
Come join the photo phun over at Carrie's place; you'll be glad you did!!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
I am thankful for heat and a warm house!
Hot coffee with flavored cream is awesome!
I am thinking I don't need to go anywhere today!
I am glad the car started for LilBlue this morning.
Only two more days til my MiB comes to see us!
We are supposed to get to 4 above, I hope so :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Can you believe this?
Anyway, still pretty cool.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Oh wow, oh wow...

Friday, January 9, 2009
Friday Flashback

The homecoming was not without took a trip around the world to bring MiB back to us in OK. He left the "sandbox" and traversed via plane through Diego Garcia, Japan, Alaska, then desparate to come home jumped in a car with three others who drove straight through from Chicago.
This was BEFORE cell phones and the not knowing was killer, all we knew is that he had left the desert. Then he was here, then there, then here, with no idea how long at each stop. You just have to love mil-air...cause it's all ya got for this type deal! Finally on US soil, but in ALASKA for heaven's sake and still dependent on mil-air we were still clueless as to his arrival home. Then another flight into the lower 48 to Chicago. This is where it got a little sticky, once in Chicago, it was commercial air and on your own flights to OKC; guess what? they were all the NEXT day so a couple of the guys decided they would rent a car and take turns driving it on in to OKC rather then wait on flights.
And about 12 hours later we were reunited after a looong 7.5 months; he left home a newly pregnant wife, but returned home to a new mother, with a most beautiful baby girl to introduce to a very excited father! It was so emotional, so exciting, so memorable, definitely a day that is etched on my heart forever. His first words were, "she's so little" and she was.
More on the birth of our one and only LilBlue in the days ahead!
Oh, don't forget to play along with Candid Carrie and the gang for Friday Foto Fiesta! It's fun and best of all completely FREE :)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
I do not like "hurling"
I am glad Lil Blue did not get it
I am so thankful I am feeling better
I think it could have been so much worse
I am looking foward and ready for the MiB visit!!
While I am not back 100% I know the worst has passed and I am so much better then I was on Monday. PTL!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Anyway, just wanted to check in and put a plug out to VOTE for another blog I follow. Her blog is Chatting at the Sky and she is amazing; I find a lot of inspiration in reading her. She is unique and very real. So if you have a minute click on the link, check her out and then give her your vote for the Best Small Blog award she is up for!
Until the quesiness is gone...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Thursday Thoughts!
Thoughts for today
- I was up shortly after midnight last night (thanks LilBlue!)
- I had french toast for brunch today, yummy!
- LilBlue still has a lingering cough...
- 2009 will bring about several changes--empty nesters.
- Still going to be working hard in 2009; those darn 5#s
So do you make resolutions? I do not, have not for some time, but if you do I hope you have success with them, unfortunately most people do not.
I mostly hope you will find contentment in 2009, real peace in your life, honesty about where you are, where you're going and how you are going to get there. I think I have shared this before but I find a lot of comfort in Jeremiah 29:11--"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God is faithful, I try to be faithful to Him, it's sometimes discouraging but when I look back on hard times in our past I see His faithfulness and that spurs me on.