So yesterday we did a little local sightseeing out here in the RR area. A cool thing was we were driving around and our hostess tells us about a place she "helps"...she takes donations of clothing and does meals for some of the cottages, takes treats to the children, etc, yeah, I know, she is just that awesome! Well, come to find out it is the
Texas Baptist Children's Home which we have supported forever through our SBC church affiliations and for years through the USAFs Combined Federal Campaign, isn't that neato? Well, now we have seen it! Small world!

We also did the
H.E.B. plus! Which was a totally big 'ol grocery store that had an extraordinary cheese section and believe it or not...I did not buy anything...yes I totally used restraint because we are eating like all the time and so much that I knew I did not need any cheese to add to the mix! They also had Italian gelato, which we did get some of that :) Amarena which is cherry, which is my favorite, which I have not tried yet but I will and you will probably hear about it later :)
We also tried another
local restaurant for was very good and I am loving getting my Mexican fix!!! The kids enjoyed watching the lady making the tortilla's.

For dinner Lil Blue and I hooked up with an old family friend who we really are related to...yeah I know, wild, we were totally like "no way" when we found this is through the Brown-Erwin side of our family trees and we are totally like gabillioneth cousins down the line but yeah, we are still family!

Our dinner was at a Texan BBQ joint called
Rudy's. It was pretty darn good, loved the real smoked flavor of the brisket, LilBlue enjoyed the potato salad and I got the creamed corn based on a recommendation of our hostess and it certainly did not disappoint. In fact it was nearly the same corn that we have the recipe for that came from said related to family member we were having dinner with! Funny, huh?

LOVED this sign in the restaurant!!!! However, when I pointed in out to LilBlue she quickly replied BUT you are my mother and you ARE here with me so I don't have to clean up!!! LOL What a laugh that got!
Lunch today after a lazy morning was
VIVOs...they just opened a location in RR so our hostess declared a girl's lunch and off we went. LilBlue graciously stayed with M&O, they enjoyed pizza while we dined on, are you ready for this, M E X I C A N! Yeah, I know, again! But I really do like Mexican!!! Today I had a salad, which had the very best chili lime vinaigrette dressing! Really yummy stuff! The salad also had jicama in it which I also really enjoyed. I hope it was all lower calorie too cause I know my jeans are going to be tight if I don't stop eating like this!!!!
As a huge treat for me this evening our hostess made baked brie, and oh my, I really do think I ate half the wheel. It was soooooo tasty, I loved it and I think I will now be able to make my own baked brie after seeing her do it. She wrapped it in puff pastry after smearing some good stuff on it. I think I could go all creative on this one and do many things with that stuff that would make me very happy!
Well, the bed is calling, night y'all from Texas!