Wow, here we are, last day, unbelievable; some days it was TOUGH getting a post up, sometimes I thought what am I going to put up on the blog today? But in the end there was always something I could post. It wasn't hard so to speak, but challenging and I think that was the point of the whole thing. Challenge yourself, I did, I would do it again, I would give it more thought, I would name it more appropriately, I would have a better plan. I mean seriously I jumped in and had no plan...sooooooo unlike me. I am not the spontaneous type, but this was good for me, I enjoyed it for the most part. I probably won't continue to blog fact I know I won't, but I might try to be more bloggerly (yep, I just made that word up!). Sounds cool dontcha think? I do LOL
So that's it, that's all, we are finished, day 31 is going in the books, it isn't even a spectacular post, nothing to send you to the moon, over the rainbow or any of that jazz. Going out low key, that's the way I like to roll anyway, low key. Though I can see where over the years I maybe shoulda done a better job of being a bit more over the top, I didn't and I am not losing any sleep over it now. It is what it is so to take care and see you in a day or two or three, OR who knows maybe I'll see ya tomorrow. Just don't know :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 30
It's the day before the LAST day of the challenge, I have almost done it...WOOHOO! I have learned a lot! I have much more admiration and respect for those "real" bloggers who do write daily - they make it look EASY, it's not, some days I thought I was going to be in a pickle. Thank goodness for my phone. I also jumped on so quickly that I had no real plan for the 31 days of writing. I should have had a better plan, but in the end I stuck with it and I have a record of lots of things that happened this month.
So on to today the almost last day! It's an ordinary day in our world, we just had a pancake and sausage lunch, we tried the Morningstar sausage, not bad stuff. We had the links but I also got some patties so we shall see on those another day! The pancakes were awesome, since there were no fresh blueberries in the produce section we had frozen but they were still nice according to MiB. He requested the pancake meal. They were yummy, I ate two, I could have eaten a lot more, but seeing as how I am trying to take off pounds not put them on I used restraint.
The day is gorgeous so MiB went for a run, I hope to get a walk in before the day is done. It's too nice to really be inside but we are catching up on some house things. It's all good. Happy Sunday to you and hope you enjoy the day whatever you find to do!
So on to today the almost last day! It's an ordinary day in our world, we just had a pancake and sausage lunch, we tried the Morningstar sausage, not bad stuff. We had the links but I also got some patties so we shall see on those another day! The pancakes were awesome, since there were no fresh blueberries in the produce section we had frozen but they were still nice according to MiB. He requested the pancake meal. They were yummy, I ate two, I could have eaten a lot more, but seeing as how I am trying to take off pounds not put them on I used restraint.
The day is gorgeous so MiB went for a run, I hope to get a walk in before the day is done. It's too nice to really be inside but we are catching up on some house things. It's all good. Happy Sunday to you and hope you enjoy the day whatever you find to do!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 29
Today was my kind of day!!! Shhh don't tell but I am in my PJ's and have been ALL day! I know, right? You wish you were me today! I mean honestly how often does that happen? We had NO commitments today soooo we just slept in, had coffee in bed, did some reading (which has NOT happened since we moved into the house!), had an awesome lunch of riblets, salad, baked sweet potato, corn and bread, little college football and now I'm getting ready to read again. MiB has an event tonight so I'm hanging out doing my own thang still in PJ's :p life is good! Hope you are having a great weekend in your world! Maybe tomorrow we will do something a
little more blog worthy but as for me and what we did today...I'm absolutely loving it!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
little more blog worthy but as for me and what we did today...I'm absolutely loving it!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, October 28, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 28
GOAL DAY = day off ;)
Spending the day with MiB...just had veggie fajitas for lunch and now I think we are off to the movies!
Happy Friday to you!!!
Spending the day with MiB...just had veggie fajitas for lunch and now I think we are off to the movies!
Happy Friday to you!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 27
Taking the easy way out today since it is a full schedule, starting out at PWOC then on to the Attic for the afternoon, PTA and AF101 this evening. I will be ready to meet my bed again tonight :) Still not certain on the "goal day" plans but know it will be time together for sure!!!
Thursday Thoughts:
Outta here!
Thursday Thoughts:
- THE DRIVE is still a =(
- Gotta ebay me some BE...
- Prayers for wisdom & our future...
- Neighborhood is getting friendlier!
Outta here!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 26
Oh my, I'm all over the place today! Been out and did errands and a commissary stop, now I am tidying up the house since I have ladies coming over this evening. I would love to get in gear and get a run/walk in. I'm wearing those Sprinkles Cupcakes, literally, I can tell big time! That's what happens when you are barely over 5 foot tall. I would love to have a few inches it would help my poundage for sure, but since I don't I have to take on other means to try and keep balance.
Still working on the auction basket for the Hap House. This has to be done and delivered next week before we leave to go out of town, I'm waiting still on some contributions from the others. I have it put together and itemized but still need a few goodies to add in.
I am ready to relax this evening, it is a neighborhood lady gathering, not sure how many will show, but I know two are, we'll see and we will have a good time no matter. It's good to get to see and chat with them other then at official functions. I am liking the whole getting together around the block thing. I know it can be a lot of work but I don't mind and since we are the childless ones we have been opening up our home more and more, it is not so tough to keep things ready to go. I also remember the days of feeling like our home was too small to have anything but I know that was just my thinking, no one else thought so. Anyway, it is good to have people in no matter the size of your place, the shape of your things or what's on your menu. The point is to build community and get to know one another and no one else really cares about the other stuff!
We are supposed to be getting a cold front in and the weather will cool off, today is gorgeous and while warm it is pleasant I hope we don't cool off too much, I am liking the mildness of the temps lately. Looking forward to Friday as it looks like we are getting a "goal day" which really just means a day off! WooHoo!!! We had thought about going to Dallas for the weekend, however, we have an event Saturday night so now we are not sure. We may just stay local and go exploring. I have several things on my to do list before we head to MO and this will be the last chance to do that so not sure. Whatever it ends up being, it will be a day with MiB which I will gladly take any day of the week!
Enjoy the rest of your day, I know I am :)
Still working on the auction basket for the Hap House. This has to be done and delivered next week before we leave to go out of town, I'm waiting still on some contributions from the others. I have it put together and itemized but still need a few goodies to add in.
I am ready to relax this evening, it is a neighborhood lady gathering, not sure how many will show, but I know two are, we'll see and we will have a good time no matter. It's good to get to see and chat with them other then at official functions. I am liking the whole getting together around the block thing. I know it can be a lot of work but I don't mind and since we are the childless ones we have been opening up our home more and more, it is not so tough to keep things ready to go. I also remember the days of feeling like our home was too small to have anything but I know that was just my thinking, no one else thought so. Anyway, it is good to have people in no matter the size of your place, the shape of your things or what's on your menu. The point is to build community and get to know one another and no one else really cares about the other stuff!
We are supposed to be getting a cold front in and the weather will cool off, today is gorgeous and while warm it is pleasant I hope we don't cool off too much, I am liking the mildness of the temps lately. Looking forward to Friday as it looks like we are getting a "goal day" which really just means a day off! WooHoo!!! We had thought about going to Dallas for the weekend, however, we have an event Saturday night so now we are not sure. We may just stay local and go exploring. I have several things on my to do list before we head to MO and this will be the last chance to do that so not sure. Whatever it ends up being, it will be a day with MiB which I will gladly take any day of the week!
Enjoy the rest of your day, I know I am :)
Random Thoughts,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 25
Awarding the diplomas!
Big day in the blue...the graduation was a lot of fun and we enjoyed some pretty decent food as well! It's late so I'm off to bed! Tomorrow will be another day...posting from my phone so it's kind of funky :)

My MiB chatting after the graduation...he's a talker!
Monday, October 24, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 24
Happy Birthday Little #1
In just a few short days I will get to see this little guy again and I am so excited! I love him, he's my "buddy"! While MiB was deployed this past year I tried to spend lots of time with him and his little sister or "my little echo" as I liked to call her and I soooo enjoyed every minute with them. The two of them make up "the Littles" I have blogged about them several times! They crack me up every time I see them, they come up with the funniest things and they are a hoot to be around. And they love to dance.
I cannot believe he is 5, oh my, how they grow and the time is passing so quickly! I remember the day he was born I think we all do, bit of a surprise but we were all instantly in love with this little guy with the black hair and eyes. He stole EVERYONE's heart. Gigi and G-Pa especially! He has been the most inquisitive child I have ever been around, asking questions, I mean real questions continuously. He is such a deep thinker, although he has a sort of "worry" factor in his questioning as in, "what happens if" type thing, he also has a great imagination and gets on board quick with playing anything to do with movement, such as planes, trains and automobiles. I cannot tell you how many hours we spent building train tracks, racing cars with the most detailed scenarios I have ever heard. He also loves to play Legos and be read to.
In addition to playtime we spent many a lunch hour together at the counter, where in no short order he usually requested scrambled eggs with salt or noodles and crackers. He also made sure I was aware that I do not have a place at the counter...there is only room for himself, G-Pa and sister. This boy likes his routine and he did not want me coming in to mess it up :) He would also like some peaches or applesauce with that too thankyouverymuch! And for a prelunch snack I would take two chocolate tookies please :) This might also be a request after lunch as well. This boys knows what he likes and likes what he likes; not an adventurer in the food arena to be sure as I would try to talk him into at least trying what I was eating on a regular basis. My plate usually contained food very different then what he was having :) He would have none of it, oh he might make me think he would try it but then he would tell me why he couldn't! Silly boy!
So Happy Birthday to you little guy who is getting so BIG, I miss you and I will see you soon! We will have fun as we plan for another BIG day, more on that another day!
In just a few short days I will get to see this little guy again and I am so excited! I love him, he's my "buddy"! While MiB was deployed this past year I tried to spend lots of time with him and his little sister or "my little echo" as I liked to call her and I soooo enjoyed every minute with them. The two of them make up "the Littles" I have blogged about them several times! They crack me up every time I see them, they come up with the funniest things and they are a hoot to be around. And they love to dance.
I cannot believe he is 5, oh my, how they grow and the time is passing so quickly! I remember the day he was born I think we all do, bit of a surprise but we were all instantly in love with this little guy with the black hair and eyes. He stole EVERYONE's heart. Gigi and G-Pa especially! He has been the most inquisitive child I have ever been around, asking questions, I mean real questions continuously. He is such a deep thinker, although he has a sort of "worry" factor in his questioning as in, "what happens if" type thing, he also has a great imagination and gets on board quick with playing anything to do with movement, such as planes, trains and automobiles. I cannot tell you how many hours we spent building train tracks, racing cars with the most detailed scenarios I have ever heard. He also loves to play Legos and be read to.
In addition to playtime we spent many a lunch hour together at the counter, where in no short order he usually requested scrambled eggs with salt or noodles and crackers. He also made sure I was aware that I do not have a place at the counter...there is only room for himself, G-Pa and sister. This boy likes his routine and he did not want me coming in to mess it up :) He would also like some peaches or applesauce with that too thankyouverymuch! And for a prelunch snack I would take two chocolate tookies please :) This might also be a request after lunch as well. This boys knows what he likes and likes what he likes; not an adventurer in the food arena to be sure as I would try to talk him into at least trying what I was eating on a regular basis. My plate usually contained food very different then what he was having :) He would have none of it, oh he might make me think he would try it but then he would tell me why he couldn't! Silly boy!
So Happy Birthday to you little guy who is getting so BIG, I miss you and I will see you soon! We will have fun as we plan for another BIG day, more on that another day!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 23
Sunday, a day of rest. I hope so!! MiB should be available most of the day, we don't have much planned and I like days like that especially on Sundays. Makes it low key and those days are nice! I do have to take that meal this afternoon but that will be pretty easy. I am going to get some baked beans put together and ready to bake shortly. I just finished my morning cappuccino and the last of my SPRINKLES cupcakes for breakfast. SO it was a great start to the day.
I wanted to share a couple pictures from yesterday too...
I wanted to share a couple pictures from yesterday too...
The crew, one in action, the others just waiting for the rush!

This is Sam the Pickleman, he didn't always have much business so invented little snacks to eat!!!
We were steady but not overwhelmed at any point, we were expecting it to be busier. It was a homecoming game so we really thought it would be a packed house, it wasn't. However, we were told they were two of the smaller schools in the area. That was another thing I had not heard of but I liked. The high schools in the area share this stadium. What that does is put the stadium to use more then just on Friday nights. They have games on Saturdays and also Sunday afternoons on some occasions. Pretty nifty and cheaper for all.
On to today, low key and not much on the agenda, awesome! So I'm outta here to start some baked beans and see what we find ourselves up to after the meal delivery is taken care of!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 22
EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE...that is the name of the game this week.
Since MiB has been out of town I have been minimally affected by this, however, this a.m. way too bright and early he was out the door headed to the Warrior Center. He will be onsite to take part in what's been going on most of the week. This type of operation happens frequently at this base due to the importance of being ready to complete worldwide missions at a moments notice. We have a very unique mission here and we MUST be ready to engage without fail at any time. Should you be intrigued about national security you should read up on the mission of the B-52 which is the aircraft we have here. You will be in awe or at least I was, then you will know that these men and women are an integral part of keeping the world safe.
In addition to the exercise we are working the concessions at a game today to earn monies to help offset the cost of the annual awards banquet that will be held in February next year. Then there is a little social gathering of the "niners" that we will drop in on. Just another day in the blue.
Should you be wondering I did have a cupcake for was divine, paired nicely with my cup of joe, in fact I had to show great restraint in not eating two, I MUST PACE MYSELF, but it was really good, I had the dark chocolate and talk about decadent, it was!
Off to get myself together, finish laundry and make a side dish to take the the social gathering, also need to figure out what I am taking to a family tomorrow for dinner, I know it will involve chicken but that is about it. Certainly not going to be as easy as the mac n cheese, corn dogs and cookies I delivered last night to a family in need...hmmm, I better get busy daylight is burning and besides that my coffee cup is empty!
Since MiB has been out of town I have been minimally affected by this, however, this a.m. way too bright and early he was out the door headed to the Warrior Center. He will be onsite to take part in what's been going on most of the week. This type of operation happens frequently at this base due to the importance of being ready to complete worldwide missions at a moments notice. We have a very unique mission here and we MUST be ready to engage without fail at any time. Should you be intrigued about national security you should read up on the mission of the B-52 which is the aircraft we have here. You will be in awe or at least I was, then you will know that these men and women are an integral part of keeping the world safe.
In addition to the exercise we are working the concessions at a game today to earn monies to help offset the cost of the annual awards banquet that will be held in February next year. Then there is a little social gathering of the "niners" that we will drop in on. Just another day in the blue.
Should you be wondering I did have a cupcake for was divine, paired nicely with my cup of joe, in fact I had to show great restraint in not eating two, I MUST PACE MYSELF, but it was really good, I had the dark chocolate and talk about decadent, it was!
Off to get myself together, finish laundry and make a side dish to take the the social gathering, also need to figure out what I am taking to a family tomorrow for dinner, I know it will involve chicken but that is about it. Certainly not going to be as easy as the mac n cheese, corn dogs and cookies I delivered last night to a family in need...hmmm, I better get busy daylight is burning and besides that my coffee cup is empty!
Friday, October 21, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 21
MiB is back and you will not even believe what he brought with him...
Okay, so this is sooooo gonna be bad for my waistline...and he brought a WHOLE DOZEN, it's bad! I won't even tell ya that I already ate the pumpkin one! Oh yes I did! And I might of had a red velvet one too, but it wasn't that great (only because I don't really like red velvet, but he brought an assortment). Really funny thing is that I was telling future DOC P about Sprinkles over lunch! Ha little did I know MiB was bringing some home with him!
My busy day included lunch with a friend from Italy days! It was so fun to be able to see her again and her baby. Said baby was only 7 mos old when they left, she is in 2nd grade now. Gosh, I'm aging :/
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P & ME |
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DOC P & P |
Lunch was really good, I mean honestly, really good; MiB and I will be going back together for sure! It's got ambiance and the food was t a s t y, I want to go back so I can try some of the other things on the menu, especially spanakopita! There were so many choices I can see several future trips! I thoroughly enjoyed Yeero Yeero for sure :o)
It's late I know! And it's been a full day after a short night and tomorrow is another full day so I am off to bed with a two cupcake full tummy, ugh, I'm gonna be unhappy when I step on those scales in the morning...oh well, there is always the two walks a day options I suppose or I could run more. Geez, life is so difficult sometimes!
Night anyway, I will probably dream about the lemon coconut cupcake, dark chocolate and milk chocolate cupcakes still of them will taste might fine with my salted caramel cappuccino in the a.m. for sure!!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 20
It's Thursday and the quick way out is to post Thursday Thoughts!
In addition I also am making a meal for another family in need tomorrow night. It is only for two little guys so they are getting homestyle mac and cheese and corn dogs. Another family in need will be getting the Albertson's onsale chicken tenders and some sort of side that I make but not sure yet what they will be and that will be win-win cause I bet some of those tenders make it home for MiB and I :)
It's a fall like day and I am loving it! I had a full day. The Attic was BUSY and an First Term Airman class stopped in then we had the monthly drawing. That is always fun. We do a drawing on some of the neat higher value items that come in
- I love fall!
- Thankful for "good people"
- Glad MiB will be back tomorrow!
- Love getting to know the neighbors.
- Need to get a walk in today before the sun goes down...
In addition I also am making a meal for another family in need tomorrow night. It is only for two little guys so they are getting homestyle mac and cheese and corn dogs. Another family in need will be getting the Albertson's onsale chicken tenders and some sort of side that I make but not sure yet what they will be and that will be win-win cause I bet some of those tenders make it home for MiB and I :)
It's a fall like day and I am loving it! I had a full day. The Attic was BUSY and an First Term Airman class stopped in then we had the monthly drawing. That is always fun. We do a drawing on some of the neat higher value items that come in
The incredible Ms M making one of the calls to let AMN S know he won the ipod!
I just finished my salad and have to work on the claim for our moving damages. ALL pictures have now been taken and uploaded and now I am working on values. It is a daunting task and one I do not enjoy. I know it HAS to be done we are running our of time so I am making myself do it tonight.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 19
Happy Birthday Ladies!
Today we gathered to celebrate the October birthdays. What fun we had! We ate at a new Mexican place, ToMolly's. I thought it was tamales when they told me the restaurant, funny! Anyway it was pretty good, I had the enchilada special, which is every Wednesday, three enchilada's (cheese, chicken or beef) with rice and beans for $4.99. My kind of deal, I brought two home for my dinner!
After our lunch I did a little shopping, well I also did some before our lunch too :) The area were the restaurant is has lots of stores and I don't make it up to that neck of the woods much so took advantage of it while I was there. I scored at Target! They had cute paper goods marked down to 56 cents a package. That's a bargain in my book, 10 count dessert plates, 20 count napkins, oh yeah, next neighborhood gathering is covered for plates and napkins :) Then I headed south to World Market to pick up some new SF syrups. I got a bottle of almond and a salted caramel. Looking forward to trying those! We have tried the brown sugar cinnamon and won't be buying that again, I like the pumpkin pie, MiB not so much, vanilla is a keeper and so is English toffee, there are only about 30 others to try! Some don't ever sound appealing others I hope to get next!
I also sadly report that I am struggling with that horrid 7#s again...I know, it totally bums me out. I have got to make time to get back on the exercise wagon cause for me and my body it make a huge difference. I can watch what I eat, count my calories and all and what my fat and if I don't get my booty moving it just doesn't help me to keep the weight off. So I haven't been getting the walks and occasional runs in and this a.m. the scale (and yesterday and the day before) really told on me. With cooler weather and all the holidays coming up I have to get back on top of this. Right now I sit at needing to get back off about 5#s but I know that could easily be the 7 if I am not careful. And eating at Mexican places doesn't help :(
So right now I gotta run! LITERALLY!!! I just got a text from MiB he is headed to the gym so I am headed out for a walk and depending on how I feel since it's been a while I MIGHT run a little, but irregardless I am going to get this body moving cause that is a start and you gotta start back somewhere, CIAO!
Today we gathered to celebrate the October birthdays. What fun we had! We ate at a new Mexican place, ToMolly's. I thought it was tamales when they told me the restaurant, funny! Anyway it was pretty good, I had the enchilada special, which is every Wednesday, three enchilada's (cheese, chicken or beef) with rice and beans for $4.99. My kind of deal, I brought two home for my dinner!
Our birthday girls!!!
JH made a gluten free cake, my first taste of such a thing, it was tasty, I had a sliver! Chocolate is not my first choice, gasp! I would prefer lemon, carrot or pumpkin, call me crazy but they are way better then chocolate any day in my book!
With the traditional sombrero, I mean we were at a Mexican restaurant. They also brought them a sopapilla topped with strawberries and whipped creme, now that I would go for, but I had already had my sliver of the chocolate cake so I said no!
After our lunch I did a little shopping, well I also did some before our lunch too :) The area were the restaurant is has lots of stores and I don't make it up to that neck of the woods much so took advantage of it while I was there. I scored at Target! They had cute paper goods marked down to 56 cents a package. That's a bargain in my book, 10 count dessert plates, 20 count napkins, oh yeah, next neighborhood gathering is covered for plates and napkins :) Then I headed south to World Market to pick up some new SF syrups. I got a bottle of almond and a salted caramel. Looking forward to trying those! We have tried the brown sugar cinnamon and won't be buying that again, I like the pumpkin pie, MiB not so much, vanilla is a keeper and so is English toffee, there are only about 30 others to try! Some don't ever sound appealing others I hope to get next!
I also sadly report that I am struggling with that horrid 7#s again...I know, it totally bums me out. I have got to make time to get back on the exercise wagon cause for me and my body it make a huge difference. I can watch what I eat, count my calories and all and what my fat and if I don't get my booty moving it just doesn't help me to keep the weight off. So I haven't been getting the walks and occasional runs in and this a.m. the scale (and yesterday and the day before) really told on me. With cooler weather and all the holidays coming up I have to get back on top of this. Right now I sit at needing to get back off about 5#s but I know that could easily be the 7 if I am not careful. And eating at Mexican places doesn't help :(
So right now I gotta run! LITERALLY!!! I just got a text from MiB he is headed to the gym so I am headed out for a walk and depending on how I feel since it's been a while I MIGHT run a little, but irregardless I am going to get this body moving cause that is a start and you gotta start back somewhere, CIAO!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 18
Can you say GREEN with envy? Or maybe orange, red and yellow with envy! This is a picture MiB sent me this morning...
G. O. R. G. E. O. U. S.
I think the changing of the trees in fall is just beautiful and here in LA we are not seeing that. For one the trees seem to be dead and those that aren't are still green. However, today it is cool, and I like the cooler temp, what I am NOT enjoying is the wind, brrrrr. That stuff is yuck. So I hope you don't start to think I am never happy about the weather here... It does tend to be a topic I choose to discuss often. Think about it, weather happens in some form EVERYDAY so I am going to notice and mention it dontcha know?!
I'm getting this post done before the rest of my day takes off, I had an early meeting, then cookie drop off, commissary run, gassed up (and gas went up AGAIN--ugh!) now I am back at the house for a couple hours before going to a couple meetings. I do not think it is a real busy day but I do have enough to keep me busy. I am trying to get some things done at the house and hope to wrap up a couple projects before the meetings!
We are officially starting to work on the annual awards banquet and hoping for a good turnout. Trying to keep ticket prices low and attendance high. Not sure we will have a theme but it could work out, hoping to get across the board participation in planning, execution and attendance. It will be here before we know it (February 2012) and we have to get the ball rolling now. Making some phone calls and getting some email out this afternoon regarding this event!
Happy Tuesday to you :)
Monday, October 17, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 17
Monday, Monday...that's all I know, well, I mean I think it's a song but I don't know any more of the words. I know I could google it, you can google anything nowadays and sometimes you really shouldn't but we do... LOL!
Not a lot to report today except that I was up at O dark thirty, okay really it was 4:56 but I like the sound of O dark thirty, hahhaha and on my way with MiB to the office and then to the airport. It is bosses day today and we needed to drop off the acknowledgements before he left town. Honestly, we have had some AWESOME bosses, some really great leaders and I have mostly fond memories of each one, well, there was that one in, oh wait, I will just leave that detail off. So anyway here in LA we have another one of those good guys, who really "get it", who is doing what he can at his level to take care of our Airman, he values the enlisted perspective and is taking some steps to take even better care of our Airman. It's just great to work with good people, so Happy Bosses Day to those who are in that position. And hey, remember you were probably a little guy at one time too so don't forget where or how you got to where you are... and while I don't mind these "days" I just think it's a Hallmark ploy to sell more greeting cards. I mean we have a a"DAY" for everything, secretaries day, bosses day, friendship day, sweetest day, earth day, the old standbys of mothers/fathers and valentines day of course. However, it's those other ones that get me...I mean really?
So MiB is on the East coast at a leadership conference this week, which leaves me to hold down the fort on my own. I am good with that and hope it is uneventful. So far, so good and we are not even 24 hours in. Even though I did get a surprise phone call from my cousin and it was neat to chat, it's been a while. She shared some crummy news though...praying for another cousin who is going through a rough patch and hope it all works out. I have a pretty light week if you compare it to the last two, which is kind of nice, then it gets going again, but I am not going to think about that right now!
Hope you have a great Monday, Monday...I am! And if you are looking for blogs with a lot better reading then mine check out all the other 31 day-ers here! There are some really good reads and ideas out there! Here are a couple I am enjoying...ONE and TWO and really two is one I have on the side of my page that I read all the time anyway, so I guess that's kind of cheating, but whatever, THREE, FOUR and that's enough from me, click around and find some that you like too!
Not a lot to report today except that I was up at O dark thirty, okay really it was 4:56 but I like the sound of O dark thirty, hahhaha and on my way with MiB to the office and then to the airport. It is bosses day today and we needed to drop off the acknowledgements before he left town. Honestly, we have had some AWESOME bosses, some really great leaders and I have mostly fond memories of each one, well, there was that one in, oh wait, I will just leave that detail off. So anyway here in LA we have another one of those good guys, who really "get it", who is doing what he can at his level to take care of our Airman, he values the enlisted perspective and is taking some steps to take even better care of our Airman. It's just great to work with good people, so Happy Bosses Day to those who are in that position. And hey, remember you were probably a little guy at one time too so don't forget where or how you got to where you are... and while I don't mind these "days" I just think it's a Hallmark ploy to sell more greeting cards. I mean we have a a"DAY" for everything, secretaries day, bosses day, friendship day, sweetest day, earth day, the old standbys of mothers/fathers and valentines day of course. However, it's those other ones that get me...I mean really?
So MiB is on the East coast at a leadership conference this week, which leaves me to hold down the fort on my own. I am good with that and hope it is uneventful. So far, so good and we are not even 24 hours in. Even though I did get a surprise phone call from my cousin and it was neat to chat, it's been a while. She shared some crummy news though...praying for another cousin who is going through a rough patch and hope it all works out. I have a pretty light week if you compare it to the last two, which is kind of nice, then it gets going again, but I am not going to think about that right now!
Hope you have a great Monday, Monday...I am! And if you are looking for blogs with a lot better reading then mine check out all the other 31 day-ers here! There are some really good reads and ideas out there! Here are a couple I am enjoying...ONE and TWO and really two is one I have on the side of my page that I read all the time anyway, so I guess that's kind of cheating, but whatever, THREE, FOUR and that's enough from me, click around and find some that you like too!
Random Thoughts
Sunday, October 16, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 16
So it was late last night and somewhat early today...that's my life, crazy like that and I love it...most of the time! LOL
The 5:45 a.m. phone call was aGREAT, okay, seriously on a Sunday a.m. it was a not so GREAT! It was not the way to I wanted to wake up this morning. And honestly, when the crackberry goes off before 6 a.m. I already know it's not good. So I just start prayin. Same is true when it rings after midnight, you know it's not good. It wasn't good, another DUI, crap, uh, I mean darn! I mean really, can we just use some sense around here folks. You are the nation's best and brightest, you are protecting the entire FREEDOM's of our nation and for that matter the freedoms of many other nations as well. Then you go make the most STUPID decision of all to operate a vehicle under the influence.
Okay, you're done, we have just lost a lot of training dollars, manhours of many not to mention you have just ruined your career, was it worth it? Well at this moment, you may not realize the horror of your error and thank God no one was injured in your escapade. But trust me you were downright dumb to do that. We have a 24 hour manned phone to drive you should you find yourself in this type situation, my husband has personally given out his cell number to over 2/3 of you on this base, you have friends, remember, it's called a WINGMAN, and you still made this decision to operate a motor vehicle under the influence.
Lest you think this is a big military issue, it is not, it happens in the civilian world as well, daily and it's not the alcoholic joe, it's lawyer's and doctor's too, the drink makes eveyone stupid. Either stay off it or have a plan. It's not like there aren't options, ever heard of a cab? Yeah, a friend will come to get you at 3 a.m. and they won't mind, especially, to save your life or the lives of someone else. However, I would be remiss if I don't add in that if you are calling every weekend there is a problem. You are drinking too much and you are drinking without a plan, BOTH are unacceptable. Get a life. If you are only finding life in a bottle or can you need some help, get it, it's out there.
So on to phone call number two...not so bad 7:45 a.m. I am still lightly awake from the first call. Off to work for hubby today, we are playing so that in the event real things happen we are ready. In our world this is an "EXERCISE" and it's what keeps us top notch. So I am now up and ready to tackle my day since all prior plans have been pancake and bacon breakfast and movie this a.m. it's now a little laundry, cleaning and commissary run along with a few off base stops as well. It's all good, it's another gorgeous day out and I'm nearly ready to meet the public and get on with living.
Take care and enjoy your Sunday no matter what you chose to do :)
The 5:45 a.m. phone call was a
Okay, you're done, we have just lost a lot of training dollars, manhours of many not to mention you have just ruined your career, was it worth it? Well at this moment, you may not realize the horror of your error and thank God no one was injured in your escapade. But trust me you were downright dumb to do that. We have a 24 hour manned phone to drive you should you find yourself in this type situation, my husband has personally given out his cell number to over 2/3 of you on this base, you have friends, remember, it's called a WINGMAN, and you still made this decision to operate a motor vehicle under the influence.
Lest you think this is a big military issue, it is not, it happens in the civilian world as well, daily and it's not the alcoholic joe, it's lawyer's and doctor's too, the drink makes eveyone stupid. Either stay off it or have a plan. It's not like there aren't options, ever heard of a cab? Yeah, a friend will come to get you at 3 a.m. and they won't mind, especially, to save your life or the lives of someone else. However, I would be remiss if I don't add in that if you are calling every weekend there is a problem. You are drinking too much and you are drinking without a plan, BOTH are unacceptable. Get a life. If you are only finding life in a bottle or can you need some help, get it, it's out there.
So on to phone call number two...not so bad 7:45 a.m. I am still lightly awake from the first call. Off to work for hubby today, we are playing so that in the event real things happen we are ready. In our world this is an "EXERCISE" and it's what keeps us top notch. So I am now up and ready to tackle my day since all prior plans have been pancake and bacon breakfast and movie this a.m. it's now a little laundry, cleaning and commissary run along with a few off base stops as well. It's all good, it's another gorgeous day out and I'm nearly ready to meet the public and get on with living.
Take care and enjoy your Sunday no matter what you chose to do :)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 15
Wow, the day got away from me...we got home from church and I made dinner and thought, oh my I still need to get a post done! OOPS
I am going to keep it short and somewhat pictorial.
Oh, the veggie chili turned out AWESOME, I did make several tweaks to the recipe I posted and it was yummy! The dinner was great, there was lemon cake for dessert and yes, I had two slices! I know, those scales aren't going down if I'm doing that, but I am SUCH a sucker for all things lemon! And hey, I won the "high girl" score for the card game we played, which was a new game for me. You moved tables each "hand" and if you moved that meant you won, if you were 1st you collected two points, 2nd you received 1, so I got the most points and won for the girls! I know right? Starbucks gift card is now mine :)
Today we did get a few things accomplished and we supported the current ALS (Airman Leadership School) class by getting BOTH of our cars washed. They did a good job!
After our car wash we took a drive, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon and explore the area. We found a few back roads and short cuts that could be handy in the future. We really didn't have a plan we just drove and looked and ohh and ahhed in a few neighborhoods, then found our way home before making our way to church.
I am going to keep it short and somewhat pictorial.
From the MAC picnic, yesterday!
Oh, the veggie chili turned out AWESOME, I did make several tweaks to the recipe I posted and it was yummy! The dinner was great, there was lemon cake for dessert and yes, I had two slices! I know, those scales aren't going down if I'm doing that, but I am SUCH a sucker for all things lemon! And hey, I won the "high girl" score for the card game we played, which was a new game for me. You moved tables each "hand" and if you moved that meant you won, if you were 1st you collected two points, 2nd you received 1, so I got the most points and won for the girls! I know right? Starbucks gift card is now mine :)
Today we did get a few things accomplished and we supported the current ALS (Airman Leadership School) class by getting BOTH of our cars washed. They did a good job!
At the "car wash"! Lil Smartie was EASY to wash!
After our car wash we took a drive, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon and explore the area. We found a few back roads and short cuts that could be handy in the future. We really didn't have a plan we just drove and looked and ohh and ahhed in a few neighborhoods, then found our way home before making our way to church.
Dinner tonight for me...cauliflower crust pizza, really good, honestly, I blogged about this already so if you are intrigued or want to know more see here!
MiB had regular crust cheese and onion pizza, I did have a SMALL SLIVER of his :)
Friday, October 14, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 14
It was a great day for a picnic! I am glad it was a good afternoon. The morning was somber as we attended a memorial service for a young, way too young Airman. He left behind a young wife and an even younger little girl. I cannot even begin to fathom the shoes she is walking in right now. I can pray for her to continue to have strength and I will, I think she is doing good in the big scheme of things, but this is not just a one day thing, she will live everyday on this earth without him, the love of her life and although I did not know him nor her until today, I am grieved. But I committed to pray for her and I will, it is the least I can do.
So, again it was a great day for picnic, the weather was awesome and the food and drinks were plentiful and we enjoyed seeing our fellow Airman enjoying this event. It is wonderful to be in a community that takes such great care of our Airman, we are looked after, and given offers to help without a second thought. They are always saying , please let us know if we can help. Let us know if there is anything we can do. We are really supported and it is a good thing. This is not just unique to LA, we have had great community support in OK, CO, FL and NE as well, it's amazing and wonderful and sometimes very humbling.
So I am finishing the chili that I talked about yesterday, I have tweaked the recipe a bit, as I did roast the veggies and I have also added corn to the pot along with a small can of rotel sauce. Did you even know they had such a thing? I did not but saw it amongst the tomato products so grab one to add to the chili. I just hope it does not add too much kick, I'm a wimp and I want to enjoy this chili!It's just a little can so it should be fine!
Gotta run change clothes for the third time today and head on out for the gathering. Hope you have a happy and safe evening!
Oh and I am smiling extra big cause I talked to LilBlue today and that always makes my day! She is going to be in MO for the wedding so I will see her for a couple days! WOOOHOOOO that REALLY makes me smile :)
So, again it was a great day for picnic, the weather was awesome and the food and drinks were plentiful and we enjoyed seeing our fellow Airman enjoying this event. It is wonderful to be in a community that takes such great care of our Airman, we are looked after, and given offers to help without a second thought. They are always saying , please let us know if we can help. Let us know if there is anything we can do. We are really supported and it is a good thing. This is not just unique to LA, we have had great community support in OK, CO, FL and NE as well, it's amazing and wonderful and sometimes very humbling.
So I am finishing the chili that I talked about yesterday, I have tweaked the recipe a bit, as I did roast the veggies and I have also added corn to the pot along with a small can of rotel sauce. Did you even know they had such a thing? I did not but saw it amongst the tomato products so grab one to add to the chili. I just hope it does not add too much kick, I'm a wimp and I want to enjoy this chili!It's just a little can so it should be fine!
Gotta run change clothes for the third time today and head on out for the gathering. Hope you have a happy and safe evening!
Oh and I am smiling extra big cause I talked to LilBlue today and that always makes my day! She is going to be in MO for the wedding so I will see her for a couple days! WOOOHOOOO that REALLY makes me smile :)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 13
Well that rain I told you about yesterday didn't amount to much. Today is another gorgeous day in LA. And while it still feels like summer out there right now, this a.m. it was a bit crisp and I liked it. It's been such a busy today and tomorrow will hold even more I have not been out much to enjoy it. But I plan to sit in the sunshine in just a few minutes while my veggies are roasting.
I am making a new chili recipe to take to the Commander's house, I sure hope it taste good. It is a vegetarian recipe and it uses carrots and sweet potatoes. This is the recipe but again I am roasting my veggies not sauteing. I also doubled the recipe. I will let you know if I like it!
I am making a new chili recipe to take to the Commander's house, I sure hope it taste good. It is a vegetarian recipe and it uses carrots and sweet potatoes. This is the recipe but again I am roasting my veggies not sauteing. I also doubled the recipe. I will let you know if I like it!
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 small onion, diced
- 2 small sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
- 2 medium carrots, sliced
- 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped (optional)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 15 ounce can black beans
- 1 15 ounce can diced tomatoes or tomato sauce
- 1/2 cup vegetable broth
- 1 tbsp chili powder
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp cayenne (or to taste)
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
Saute onions and garlic in olive oil for a minute or two, then add sweet potatoes, carrots and bell pepper until onions are soft, about 5-6 minutes.
Reduce heat to medium low, and add remaining ingredients, stirring to combine well.
Simmer, partially covered and stirring occasionally, for 20-25 minutes, until flavors have mingled and vegetables are cooked.
I spent my morning at PWOC and then my afternoon was at the Airman's Attic, a quick stop at the commissary again for the "cold" stuff I needed and then straight on home where I am prepping for the chili above and dinner tonight. I am hoping to finish getting pictures for the claim as well. Then I am praying an early arrival home this evening from MiB so we can enjoy a quiet evening at home!
Since it IS THURSDAY here are some of my thoughts!
- I love fall, where is it?
- Need some new wardrobe items...
- Wish I could be in two places at once...
- Ready for a road trip to Dallas & SPRINKLES!
- Going to MO in a few days for a wedding, woohoo!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 12
Shhh, that IS wet pavement outside my patio's sort of raining, sprinkling for sure and they say it will continue this the rest of the afternoon and possible into the night. WoooooooooHooooo. We so so so need rain, it's been one of the HOTTEST summers on record here, triple digits for over 69 days with not any measurable moisture in a long time, so I am hoping this wet pavement sticks around for awhile.
Just to be even more honest, I am thrilled I am home. I had an early meeting (read that o dark thirty), then stopped by the commissary, dry cleaners and shopette before I made my way back home. I am one who likes to be at home in inclement weather. I know rain hardly qualifies as inclement weather but for me it does :) It's just my personal preference not to be out in it; I have even postponed car travel due to rainy weather, I just don't like to be out in it. I don't like to be out in snow either.
So now that I am home, it's a catch up afternoon. I need to finish my Bible study for PWOC tomorrow, that is Protestant Women of the Chapel and also do more laundry, I think that never ends, not to mention, I really have to spend some time working on our household goods damage claim. It's all electronic now and we have pictures that will have to be uploaded plus I have to find some time to get to a Target or the like to get prices on some of the items. It's a big pain really, but we had significant damage this time so we will be filing. Our bedroom suit which we just got in FL was really beat up and then we had several broken and damaged items. Crazy how some moves are worse then others.
Oh and the meeting I attended this morning was the "Shirt Meeting" These guys (and girls, though no girls were at this meeting) are that AND a bag of chips, the real bomb. They are the care takers of all things Airman. It's a rough job, it's a calling to wear the diamond, those who do so, usually do it well, those who don't usually get out of the field. It's not easy getting the 3 a.m. phone calls, or midnight notifications; delivering tough news to family members, having to know more of the story then anyone else, having to be the "bad guy" when no one else will, being the "heavy" always on duty, taking the time, money and no credit for helping those who need it most on a daily basis. I know they are awesome, that they are doing a phenomenal job, but they still need to be told, yes, they do. They need to hear, they should hear it! That is the case for most people, they do their job, no one says squat, they mess up and everyone is all over that. I am trying very hard to thank those who do their job and do it well, making a conscious effort to be a builder upper, not a complainer. There is plenty to gripe about, really, trust me on this, but there is also lots to brag about about. Try it, you'll see, it's so very true, focus on the positive and others around you will catch that same spirit and attitude and everyone will benefit.
My motto here since just a few days after arrival has been keep it positive and productive; if you can't or won't maybe you need to move on. I refuse to be a part of the problem I am going to be a conduit of change and help keep it positive and productive, period! Join in won't you?
Just to be even more honest, I am thrilled I am home. I had an early meeting (read that o dark thirty), then stopped by the commissary, dry cleaners and shopette before I made my way back home. I am one who likes to be at home in inclement weather. I know rain hardly qualifies as inclement weather but for me it does :) It's just my personal preference not to be out in it; I have even postponed car travel due to rainy weather, I just don't like to be out in it. I don't like to be out in snow either.
So now that I am home, it's a catch up afternoon. I need to finish my Bible study for PWOC tomorrow, that is Protestant Women of the Chapel and also do more laundry, I think that never ends, not to mention, I really have to spend some time working on our household goods damage claim. It's all electronic now and we have pictures that will have to be uploaded plus I have to find some time to get to a Target or the like to get prices on some of the items. It's a big pain really, but we had significant damage this time so we will be filing. Our bedroom suit which we just got in FL was really beat up and then we had several broken and damaged items. Crazy how some moves are worse then others.
Oh and the meeting I attended this morning was the "Shirt Meeting" These guys (and girls, though no girls were at this meeting) are that AND a bag of chips, the real bomb. They are the care takers of all things Airman. It's a rough job, it's a calling to wear the diamond, those who do so, usually do it well, those who don't usually get out of the field. It's not easy getting the 3 a.m. phone calls, or midnight notifications; delivering tough news to family members, having to know more of the story then anyone else, having to be the "bad guy" when no one else will, being the "heavy" always on duty, taking the time, money and no credit for helping those who need it most on a daily basis. I know they are awesome, that they are doing a phenomenal job, but they still need to be told, yes, they do. They need to hear, they should hear it! That is the case for most people, they do their job, no one says squat, they mess up and everyone is all over that. I am trying very hard to thank those who do their job and do it well, making a conscious effort to be a builder upper, not a complainer. There is plenty to gripe about, really, trust me on this, but there is also lots to brag about about. Try it, you'll see, it's so very true, focus on the positive and others around you will catch that same spirit and attitude and everyone will benefit.
My motto here since just a few days after arrival has been keep it positive and productive; if you can't or won't maybe you need to move on. I refuse to be a part of the problem I am going to be a conduit of change and help keep it positive and productive, period! Join in won't you?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 11
Since yesterday was a holiday, today feels like Monday!
Not a lot going on but I did make a trip out and found an awesome grey shirt ON SALE at SteinMart and also a grey cardigan at Loft, again, ON SALE!!! I was really wanting to incorporate more grey in my wardrobe since it seems like it is one of those good classic colors that can be seasonless. I am still on the search for a cute little pointy toe flats in a "pop" color and also a new handbag, again in a color that will somewhat "pop". I'm what I call fashion challenged, I try, I really do, I think I have come a long way, but I still feel totally inept and most of the time not that pulled together, which IS what I would desire. So while this 31 day challenge is going on, I have taken to reading a couple new blogs. If you would like a little wardrobe help try checking out these two blogs!
Oh and I did and am still doing laundry, yeah, those very fun necessary things, I do them too!
The evening holds an event for us, it will be at a location I have not yet been, kind of excited about that as it is a pretty cool location from what I'm told. This is a full week, something nearly every night, next week MiB will be gone. I still need to make some decisions on my going to MO. I am not so much concerned with the going it is the getting back that makes me concerned. The weekend we need to be there is a CRAZY busy weekend here, so MiB's attendance at this point could be questionable. This really makes me sad and mad all at the same time! I mean he has missed so much already from his being gone, like really gone, TDY , deployed, however, the fact that he is here but just can't get away irks me. I know it will pass, it always does, but since I am just now facing that reality I am a little fresh with my dislike :(
Well, more laundry awaits and a bit of paperwork dealings, along with tidying up the house after our long weekend so I must go be productive. Hope your Tuesday is awesome!
Not a lot going on but I did make a trip out and found an awesome grey shirt ON SALE at SteinMart and also a grey cardigan at Loft, again, ON SALE!!! I was really wanting to incorporate more grey in my wardrobe since it seems like it is one of those good classic colors that can be seasonless. I am still on the search for a cute little pointy toe flats in a "pop" color and also a new handbag, again in a color that will somewhat "pop". I'm what I call fashion challenged, I try, I really do, I think I have come a long way, but I still feel totally inept and most of the time not that pulled together, which IS what I would desire. So while this 31 day challenge is going on, I have taken to reading a couple new blogs. If you would like a little wardrobe help try checking out these two blogs!
Oh and I did and am still doing laundry, yeah, those very fun necessary things, I do them too!
The evening holds an event for us, it will be at a location I have not yet been, kind of excited about that as it is a pretty cool location from what I'm told. This is a full week, something nearly every night, next week MiB will be gone. I still need to make some decisions on my going to MO. I am not so much concerned with the going it is the getting back that makes me concerned. The weekend we need to be there is a CRAZY busy weekend here, so MiB's attendance at this point could be questionable. This really makes me sad and mad all at the same time! I mean he has missed so much already from his being gone, like really gone, TDY , deployed, however, the fact that he is here but just can't get away irks me. I know it will pass, it always does, but since I am just now facing that reality I am a little fresh with my dislike :(
Well, more laundry awaits and a bit of paperwork dealings, along with tidying up the house after our long weekend so I must go be productive. Hope your Tuesday is awesome!
Monday, October 10, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 10
So in case you are just stopping by or not sure why I am on a posting frenzy, it is a challenge going on within the blogging world of some of the bloggers I enjoy reading. I jumped on the band wagon at the last minute (even figured out how to link and make a "button" with a little help). Now I quickly came up with the "title" for this challenge and really I feel it is a bit misleading...I mean it is not really truly "military life" so to speak, it is just ordinary stuff in our life as a military family but I committed to blog EVERY day of this month. That was the biggie, blogging every single day! There are 700 or so others who made this commitment as well! Check it out here!
There are some REALLY, really good reads, some really, REALLY talented writers, I am not at all in the same class as them, we are all on a journey and I am sharing part of our journey on this blog! I just decided to join in last minute, which is really out of character for me and it's been kind of fun and scary all at the same time! I am having fun at this spontaneous decision, who knows what I might try next :)
So on to DAY 10!
It's Columbus Day, MiB has the day off, most people didn't even realize it was a holiday, not many people get the day off for this particular holiday. Banks and Federal employees I think are about it. Schools are still in session (at least in this area), stores are all open, so it's a pretty low key holiday. That's okay with me. I'm enjoying the time with MiB, something I will take any day of the week for any reason. It's all good in my book when we have a non committed day.
This afternoon we do have the New Kids on the Block gathering and other then that we have no commitments, WOOHOO!!!
In fact everyone wanted to know when we would be doing it again, soooooo we are already mulling over ideas for November. I am now the "get together coordinator and we also have a volunteer offer to put together some game nights, so we are on our way to a building great community relations with our neighbors and most of us seem really excited about that :) I know I am, and so is MiB!
What are we doing on our non-committed day? Enjoying a lazy day...yeah, I know, not very exciting and I am STILL in my PJs and soooo okay with that even though it just passed the 11 o'clock hour! I am going to fix lunch soon, but wanted to get my post up first. I hope I will update it later this evening with some of the "gathering' photos!
I hope you are enjoying your day! That's all :)
There are some REALLY, really good reads, some really, REALLY talented writers, I am not at all in the same class as them, we are all on a journey and I am sharing part of our journey on this blog! I just decided to join in last minute, which is really out of character for me and it's been kind of fun and scary all at the same time! I am having fun at this spontaneous decision, who knows what I might try next :)
So on to DAY 10!
It's Columbus Day, MiB has the day off, most people didn't even realize it was a holiday, not many people get the day off for this particular holiday. Banks and Federal employees I think are about it. Schools are still in session (at least in this area), stores are all open, so it's a pretty low key holiday. That's okay with me. I'm enjoying the time with MiB, something I will take any day of the week for any reason. It's all good in my book when we have a non committed day.
This afternoon we do have the New Kids on the Block gathering and other then that we have no commitments, WOOHOO!!!
The grill was wheeled down the street! Thanks COL!
We did have a sprinkle but thankfully there was a great canopy brought out, then the rest of the time was spent visiting and getting to know each other, overall I say SUCCESS!
What are we doing on our non-committed day? Enjoying a lazy day...yeah, I know, not very exciting and I am STILL in my PJs and soooo okay with that even though it just passed the 11 o'clock hour! I am going to fix lunch soon, but wanted to get my post up first. I hope I will update it later this evening with some of the "gathering' photos!
I hope you are enjoying your day! That's all :)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 9
Oh what a nice day, it was again gorgeous weather wise and after a nice easy start, a run for MiB, a run for me (but to the commissary, LOL) we started our day. I did an experimental recipe for lunch and we both agreed it was a keeper. May tweak it a little but we liked it. What's not to like about pizza, I love pizza, MiB loves pizza and this recipe is less calories then "real" pizza so it's win-win!
Before you make a determination, give it a try, it is made with a grain free crust...yes, I know sounds nuts but it really was good. The crust was made with 2 cups steamed cauliflower, 1.5 cups mozzarella cheese, 2 T cottage cheese, and 2 eggs. Sprinkle in a generous amount of garlic powder and Italian seasoning along with a little black pepper and you have the crust.
Ready to be steamed!
I clean a head of cauliflower and steamed it in my Pampered Chef steamer with a couple tablespoons of water; it took 7-8 minutes. I wanted it more steamed rather then less since I was going to food process it, if I were eating it I would go less. Cool it for a bit, then put it in your food processor, with the seasonings, cheese and eggs. Process til smooth, Here's the tricky part, it's pretty sticky at this point, so I put some parchment paper down on my baking sheet (I used an airbake rectangular sheet; rather then my Pampered Chef pizza stone for this) and spread it out with a spatula. I tried to get it as even a possible. Then I baked it 450* for 15 minutes, it was a nice golden brown. When I do this again I will attempt to "flip it over and get the otherside golden as well" about half way through.
Before baking the second time
Over all, we thought it was awesome, the crust did get more brown on the edges were it was "thinner" so I will try to spread it better to keep that from happening and again, I am going to try and cook both sides. I still have enough steamed cauliflower to do it again so I will later this week and I will tweak some more, I may try more cottage cheese less moz, but we'll see.
Just before cutting and eating!
Hope you have a fantabulous Sunday, we are just back in after a Sunday Drive around the East Reservation and also a few errands. Just so you know this was NOT an original idea, I saw it on another blog that I sometimes read. You too, can read the blog post with the original recipe here and there are some other tips on making it too!
We have already had mashed cauliflower and love it as substitute for mashed potatoes so this was not such a stretch for us to try this but for some I realize it will be a real stretch, I say give it a whirl, you may love it, you may not, but you won't know til you try it!!! I plan to try the granola bars off this site at some point as well! And yeah, I will probably blog it!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 8
What a beautiful day in LA. We had a LATE night, so we got a slow start on our day. However, we did make it to the AFSA Picnic where MiB played on the kid toys. It was a great day for a picnic and we enjoyed meeting some new folks. It was great to put faces with names and meet the "other half" of some of the folks we had already met.
After the picnic, which we did not actually eat since we were talking and playing, we went to a new diner. Yep, well it's a onefer, we went once and won't need to go back. The cheeseburger MiB had was not able to finished, barely started actually...what I got was okay but nothing to bring me back. That's a neat thing of living in so many different places you get to try lots of different eateries. Unfortunately, since arriving here in LA we are not having much success of what we would define as "good". But we are still taking suggestions and looking for places on our own.
Short and Sweet today, military life was pretty simple, the night was long, phone calls and such, but the day was great. It will be early to bed for us and tomorrow will be a new day! We shall see what it holds...I do know there is a parade scheduled and also maybe a movie for us :)
After the picnic, which we did not actually eat since we were talking and playing, we went to a new diner. Yep, well it's a onefer, we went once and won't need to go back. The cheeseburger MiB had was not able to finished, barely started actually...what I got was okay but nothing to bring me back. That's a neat thing of living in so many different places you get to try lots of different eateries. Unfortunately, since arriving here in LA we are not having much success of what we would define as "good". But we are still taking suggestions and looking for places on our own.
Short and Sweet today, military life was pretty simple, the night was long, phone calls and such, but the day was great. It will be early to bed for us and tomorrow will be a new day! We shall see what it holds...I do know there is a parade scheduled and also maybe a movie for us :)
Friday, October 7, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 7
WooHoo, it's Friday, yeah, I am ready for the weekend! It's been a busy week here in the blue. Actually, I think the weekend preceding this week was busy so starting out this week I was already feeling a bit run out.
Tonight we are doing AFSA BINGO. Not sure I am ready for this experience but it is for a good cause so I'm good for at least a onefer! Since AFSA is such a HUGE supporter of the military locally and worldwide along with going to bat for us in Washington DC we like to support them as well. AFSA is a leading advocate for military benefits, they are amazing in their efforts to make sure our men and women in uniform are well represented on the hill. It's a great organization and are proud to be a part of it!
In other areas today I am spending some much needed time doing those little things around the house that need to be done but when you are in and out so much they sometimes get forgotten. I have cleaned the bathtub and all the toilets along with several loads of laundry. I have also downed three cups of joe. I will be up late tonight so I am not so worried about caffeine consumption. I hope to tackle mopping floors before the afternoon gets away; I also plan to do a little dusting. IF I still have a few moments I will also run the vacuum.
After BINGO we are going to Taco Mania. This will be another first for us. I'm excited! I heard it's pretty good. I also just got the name of a good Italian place I hope we can try it next Wednesday. Notini's is the name. I know we are Italian food snobs but that is what happens after you live in Italy, what can I say, I'm sorry! But I will let you know what we think of this place after we try it. We also got the name of another pizza place, PieWorks. Not sure when we will try it since we just had pizza last night. And this need to lose a few pounds body of mine cannot have pizza again for awhile!
So happy Friday to ya, I'm ona roll and need to get back to the little chores on my to-do list for today! This whole blogging everyday is TOUGH. I really admire those who have much more meaningful and relevant post then I but I am committed to the task of doing it daily so you get what you get and that's all I have to say about that!
Tonight we are doing AFSA BINGO. Not sure I am ready for this experience but it is for a good cause so I'm good for at least a onefer! Since AFSA is such a HUGE supporter of the military locally and worldwide along with going to bat for us in Washington DC we like to support them as well. AFSA is a leading advocate for military benefits, they are amazing in their efforts to make sure our men and women in uniform are well represented on the hill. It's a great organization and are proud to be a part of it!
In other areas today I am spending some much needed time doing those little things around the house that need to be done but when you are in and out so much they sometimes get forgotten. I have cleaned the bathtub and all the toilets along with several loads of laundry. I have also downed three cups of joe. I will be up late tonight so I am not so worried about caffeine consumption. I hope to tackle mopping floors before the afternoon gets away; I also plan to do a little dusting. IF I still have a few moments I will also run the vacuum.
After BINGO we are going to Taco Mania. This will be another first for us. I'm excited! I heard it's pretty good. I also just got the name of a good Italian place I hope we can try it next Wednesday. Notini's is the name. I know we are Italian food snobs but that is what happens after you live in Italy, what can I say, I'm sorry! But I will let you know what we think of this place after we try it. We also got the name of another pizza place, PieWorks. Not sure when we will try it since we just had pizza last night. And this need to lose a few pounds body of mine cannot have pizza again for awhile!
So happy Friday to ya, I'm ona roll and need to get back to the little chores on my to-do list for today! This whole blogging everyday is TOUGH. I really admire those who have much more meaningful and relevant post then I but I am committed to the task of doing it daily so you get what you get and that's all I have to say about that!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
31 Days of Miltary Life ~ Day 6
Last night we chose to "celebrate" with some new found friends. Actually celebrate is a little off, we went out together before he heads off to the AOR. If you are non military acronym savvy that just means he is going to be now be working in an area that isn't very safe. Deployment is another word for this. It is usually a negative word in our business. However, that is only typical on the spouse end. After all, we are the ones staying behind to be both mom and dad, continue to keep everything running smoothly and maintain a sense of sanity. Not easy! The member that goes isn't on vacation, but they are in the fight so to speak. For the most part they are loving the experience of feeling like they are making a difference, working nonstop and days passing quickly but months drag on. They are on the tip of the spear, gaining knowledge and wisdom that only "boots on the ground" can, they are observing first hand what many never will. It's a proud moment. Being in the AOR is a honor and many while hating the being away from their own families part do and would return again and again. Serving in this environment is unlike serving anywhere else. I cannot fully describe it but I have been around enough to know that these men and women in uniform volunteer to go back again and again because they love what they do. They are America's best and they are proud to serve!
Good luck Chief F! We will help as much as we can on the home front while you are serving on the forefront.
As far as my journey today I attend Suicide Awareness training. While not a real fun brief to go to I did picked up some new insight. Suicide happens, it happens in all walks of life and unfortunately we see if far too often in the military. I'm reminded again to be very sensitive to certain signs and behavior of those around me and not to just let an off day or comment go, dig deeper. It was a good refresher.
Oh and I think even though I am on this 31 day roll I will still do Thursday Thoughts:
So today my thoughts are:
Good luck Chief F! We will help as much as we can on the home front while you are serving on the forefront.
As far as my journey today I attend Suicide Awareness training. While not a real fun brief to go to I did picked up some new insight. Suicide happens, it happens in all walks of life and unfortunately we see if far too often in the military. I'm reminded again to be very sensitive to certain signs and behavior of those around me and not to just let an off day or comment go, dig deeper. It was a good refresher.
Oh and I think even though I am on this 31 day roll I will still do Thursday Thoughts:
So today my thoughts are:
- Smitty's was darn good!
- Road trip to MO coming soon...
- Wedding bells will soon be ringing.
- B I N G O this Friday night, then tacos.
- Suicide training, necessary but not at all fun!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
31 Days of Miltary Life ~ Day 5
Today is a milestone for us! And since 1984 we have celebrated this day. It was on this very day back in 1984 that MiB asked me to marry him. PLEASE NOTE this is NOT the day we got married just the day that he asked! It is the day I said, "YES"! We celebrate this day every year, we make it special, we do fun things. One year I got him a tie and told him I would "tie the knot with him again any day" other years we just take the time to go to dinner, just us and away; other years I have made a special dinner; he has also been the dinner maker...he does an awesome steak on the grill with a baked potato and a nice green salad!. There have been several years where we have not been together on this day but we still try to make it special. we usually do cards. We have done funny, serious, sentimental and even homemade. I have filled his car with balloons, he has brought me flowers, and even candy! It's just a day we celebrate in our world.
Oh yes he did!
As far as relating this to military life, well, sometimes you have to make your own fun, your own traditions, your own way. You don't usually have blood relatives around, so you make it with who and what you got. It works and it's fun! Everyday is not a celebration, but I recommend ALWAYS taking the time to celebrate; take time to smell the roses so to speak. Life is way too short and too precious not to celebrate. And celebrate the little things right along with the big. We have seen families lose loved ones unexpectedly, it's not fun, so be a celebrater, doesn't matter that it's not a BIG day, make it BIG in your world, fuss about the great things, make a party out of an accomplishment little or big cause it's those things you will remember and will hold on to as some of your best moments! Trust me, so get out there and find something to celebrate or make something up, life is good, but you may have to work at it sometimes to get it that way.
In 2009, I made note of this day... and I did it again in 2010, the post from 2010 has more of a military life feel to it as we were far apart. But both are a pretty good read if you have the time!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 4
Calendar Meetings...these are typical and help get information out. The ones here are awesome. Other places awesome as well and then not so much. Really, as with many things military or not, it all depends on your leadership. You have all sorts of different leaders and leadership styles; everyone is different so you just learn to roll with it and realize not everyone is like you or thinks like you but as long as the we all keep the big picture in mind it will be fine. Sometimes, TRUST ME, that is easier to type then to walk...we'll leave it at that :)
These meetings also provide an informal gathering time to get to know the other spouses on the leadership team. It's really nice to be able to get to know the others and be able to enjoy each other at the various functions you attend together. I prefer not to have to make mindless small talk every time I see someone because we never see each other anywhere else. It is very nice to know that so and so just returned from seeing a new grand baby or that unfortunately someone just had a death in the family or that their child is on the football team, in the band, running track or whatever. It's neat to actually learn about the others and then be able to really talk and enjoy each other and you cannot do that if you never get to know them. So it's my experience that these gatherings are good!
However, I will say some do this better then others and I have been at things with people and we have sat next to each other and chatted and I learned about them and then see them again and we "re-meet". Yes, it's true and it's awkward, I hope I don't become like that. However, in defense, you do meet many, many people and keeping it all straight is a chore, but the ones you seem to see over and over again, I do remember them and I find in wonderful when they remember me but when they don't I feel odd. But our motto is adapt and overcome, so we do.
We meet monthly for our calendar meetings, during the busy season it might be more, during other times we may go 6 weeks, it just depends on the business going on around us that we support and attend to! Again, it's a necessary thing and depending it can be fun and educational!
Until tomorrow, salute smartly and press!
Monday, October 3, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ Day 3
Life is too short not to know your neighbors. Especially when you are military and you never know when you or them may be moving. It happens quickly so over the years we have developed a jump in attitude cause you just can't take that wait and see route in this business. So we are the newest kids on the block and have not really had the opportunity to meet the rest of those on our street. We were planning a "New Kids on the Block Party" to remedy that and I happen to mention this to another relatively newbie in the neighborhood and she said they would like to join in with us...then we thought we would ask the other semi newbie down the street to join in as well. Thus the planning coffee was scheduled! This morning we met for coffee/tea and formulated our gathering plans.
It's all set for next Monday, that's a holiday for us so we thought what a perfect way to end a long weekend! There will be food and goodies and I know a good time will be had by all who attend. Invitations are printed and ready to be delivered, we divided and will conquer the semi circle this evening. I can't wait, we will finally meet the neighbors :)
Part of the reason for the gathering stems from the fact that no one came to welcome us to the neighborhood when we moved in. To us that was odd, I mean we are all in the same boat, military families, H E L L O, we should know each other, really! And do life together, after all, this isn't just a J O B, it's a lifestyle and a pretty unique one at that. So having great friends as neighbors makes it so much more fun! I could be all up in arms about the nonwelcome we got but I'm not. I'm just not going to let that happen to anyone who moves in on my watch! (Which they have and we've already been over and took goodies). I mean I know it's been super hot here and people have not been out and about but I still want to get to know you! I also notice that people are pretty busy around here, but so am I, I still want to get to know you!
Since the par-tay is during this 31 daysathon, it WILL be a blog post! So if you want to know how it goes come back to visit and read all about it!
Until Day 4, enjoy your world!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
31 Days of Military Life ~ DAY 2
So DAY 2 of Life in the Military is get into the community you are in no
matter where that may be and experience life outside the gate. This is
vital to both you and the community. Sometimes the community does better
at embracing us then others but their take on who and what we are is a
direct result of us and our take on who and what they's kind of
a catch22 but you make the best of it and they will too!
So this is one of the neat things of military life...being able to get out and experiencing the local culture. The Red River Revel just kicked off so we thought we would mosey down and check it out. I had already had a small taste at the quilt show on Thursday but now that the festival has kicked off and is in full swing we thought we would spend our Sunday morning/afternoon there.
Not to be unfair but I think we have already experienced one of the very best arts festivals ever but we still always try to take in the events like this no matter where we live. So off we go to the downtown area, found a free parking spot and headed to the Rx3.
Personally, I was a little bummed that they charge be fair, it is only $5. They only charge on weekends and after 6 on weekdays (which is $10, so we will not be going during that time frame!) but still I really think it is crummy to charge for these things. To me you know you are going to make the money one way or another. Especially when you are charging to park (which was another $5, unless you park really far away), sodas were $2.50 and most of the food prices started at $5 and my one egg roll was $2) For us, we knew this going in but IMO if you want to maximize your attendance don't charge - just my .02!
Since is was mid-morning and we had only had our coffees this a.m. we thought we would go straight for the food booths. Lots of choices, I went with the fried rice ($5) and egg roll, it was okay, definitely would not choose it again. MiB had a gyros ($8) which he said was stellar. Oh and we also had beignets!
After filling our tummies we headed on to the vendor booths. Some very unique things, some pushy artisans, some humble ones, some arrogant ones, some sleepy ones (wish I would've taken her pic :). But for the most part some really neat, unique, clever, interesting, one of a kind things to look at. Some really pricy things, some cheap things. Most said no photos, which I get but it also means I have none to share with you except the piece we purchased for ourselves. There were a lot of choices and we could have come home with more but this one spoke to us both.
So this is one of the neat things of military life...being able to get out and experiencing the local culture. The Red River Revel just kicked off so we thought we would mosey down and check it out. I had already had a small taste at the quilt show on Thursday but now that the festival has kicked off and is in full swing we thought we would spend our Sunday morning/afternoon there.
Not to be unfair but I think we have already experienced one of the very best arts festivals ever but we still always try to take in the events like this no matter where we live. So off we go to the downtown area, found a free parking spot and headed to the Rx3.
Our $5 tickets!
Since is was mid-morning and we had only had our coffees this a.m. we thought we would go straight for the food booths. Lots of choices, I went with the fried rice ($5) and egg roll, it was okay, definitely would not choose it again. MiB had a gyros ($8) which he said was stellar. Oh and we also had beignets!
Waiting on the mini-bini's!
Don't worry Cafe Du Monde we still love you the best! And trust me NOTHING has compared to you since we met in June. I miss you dearly and hope I will see you again soon!
Just to give you a bit of feel for the other food offerings there was muffalato pizza (which I wish I would have tried), roasted corn, turkey legs, grilled pork chops, sweet potato fries, fried dill pickles, mushrooms or zucchini, funnel cakes, pulled pork, taco salad and the list goes on and on! I want to believe it was good so I will!
After filling our tummies we headed on to the vendor booths. Some very unique things, some pushy artisans, some humble ones, some arrogant ones, some sleepy ones (wish I would've taken her pic :). But for the most part some really neat, unique, clever, interesting, one of a kind things to look at. Some really pricy things, some cheap things. Most said no photos, which I get but it also means I have none to share with you except the piece we purchased for ourselves. There were a lot of choices and we could have come home with more but this one spoke to us both.
This is our LilBlue to a T. She went through a stage of denim skirts and boots and attitude. I loved it instantly and knew I was going home with it. Thank you Ms S for having a military discout...this will replace the caricature that we had of LilBlue on a horse that was ruined in this move. Those things are irreplaceable but this definitely takes the place of the ruined one and lessens the blow of losing it! I think it is priceless and so screams HLM to me!
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