Wednesday, December 31, 2008
GOODBYE 2008; HELLO 2009
So, my friends, I do pray that your 2009 will be GREAT! I hope you will be healthy and happy and enjoy your friends and family everyday of the coming year. And hey, don't wait for special occasions to let those you love know how important they are to you and lastly, try to make everyday an adventure.
As for 2008 I am grateful for it but I look forward to what 2009 will bring. I know we will have many adventures for sure and I am ready so bring it on! Bring on the 2009!
Happy Birthday Gigi :)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Missouri Pictures
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Back in the Heartland
It was a nice trip, lots of visiting, relaxing and way to much eating, ugh, I did go to the gym this afternoon after we got back home. I think, um, no I know I needed it, too much brittle, chocolates, lumpy dip, black olive dip, cheese dip, and the list goes on and on...I have a new favorite, almond m&m's, who knew they were sooooo yummy :)
Oh, and we got a call from our realtor this afternoon and we have a showing in the morning.
A post with pictures will be coming soon!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Still in the deep freeze here...
Lil'Blue and I did venture out for church this morning. Roads were icy with snow pack on top and still quite slippery in the subdivision; although the main roads are starting to have "tracks" in them they are not clear and plenty of icy patches remain. The church parking lot was an ice rink! Whoa, talk about slippery, glad I wore sturdy shoes along with my wool pants, wool tights, and wool sweater. It was so cold it took your breath away.
We are trying to be hopeful for warmer weather so we can head south tomorrow. Usually we head out at first light but since it is so cold I think we will wait for mid morning and pray for warmer temps before making our trek. I really do not want to wait any longer, we have snow showers in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon and again on Tuesday, so waiting is really not an option if we want to be there before Christmas Eve day. Interstate road conditions according to the DOT webpages for IA and MO report they are clear. I pray so.
Unless we are delayed again tomorrow this will be my last post before Christmas, so MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! Take time to really enjoy the true meaning of this splendid season and share your blessings with those that you meet : ) While we celebrate the birth of the baby in a manger, please do not forget that the baby grew up and died a horrible death for our sins. He is our redeemer, our saviour!
...He came to pay a debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
After shoveling the snow, I let what little bit of sun was out do it's thing while I warmed up and then headed back out to chip away at the ice. That my friends is not an easy task, I was using a shovel, not a snow shovel, more of a garden shovel. I was able to get the upper and lower steps done and most of our stoop and part of the landing. It's slow going and very hard on the hands.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday Flashback
Just a nice relaxing morning. We opened gifts in shifts and stretched it out all day, it was so much fun and we did lots of eating throughout!
It's a party with pictures, you can play along! Join the fun over at CandidCarrie's!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday Thoughts
Onto the thoughts...
- I ran 4 miles yesterday
- I seriously need to get wrapping
- I have no use for brussel sprouts
- I am ready to be with the family for Christmas break
- I am sporting 5 extra pounds since Turkey Day and I didn't even eat the turkey :(
I truly envision having a fabulous evening while "the storm" hits and then anticipate the roads being travel worthy tomorrow so we can head on down to MO for Christmas. I think we are ready to go but if the weather is not good we will wait a few days and head out on Monday when the next break in weather is supposed to be. Internet is not so readily available while I am there so updates will be in short supply.
Oh, and the latest on Papa Smurf is that hormone therapy continues, possibly another surgery in January and also radiation should start in January. He will go 5 days a week for 6 weeks. He is feeling good, though still weak and not able to be as active as he was, his strength has just not returned like he would like and he plays out pretty quickly. We are thankful he is doing as well as he is! I know that prayers are sustaining not only him but all of us in his world!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Weather and Barking
Do you think I am excited to hear, only if it means a snow day, which at this point is doubtful, but we can still be hopeful. Oh and our temperature got all the way up to 5 today, though it is currently -1. But tomorrow we are going to hit double digits, 13, woohoo!
On the homefront, LilBlue came home from school early today, she doesn't have classes the last two hours of the day anyway so she asked to come home. She did, went straight to bed. She has a barky cough with sore throat, achy body and ya think it's the flu? I am not positive, but I have a feeling it might be, I think she will be home tomorrow whether there is a snow day or not.
Off to administer the night time meds, goodnight!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
WindChill :(
Sounds fun, huh? Well, I am not complaining, (yeah, right), just sharing part of my least I have electricity :) for which I am grateful. There is no precipation with this wind chill and I am thrilled to report that as well, so it could be soooo much worse and I am thankful it is not. BUT, it IS COLD!
I'm off to shower as I just got back in from the gym, then I am putting on my flannels and fuzzy socks!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday Flashback

2004 - MiB "marching" with the statue in Trieste, Italy. This picture is just so "him" that's why I like it!
Even though it's late in the day you can still play along with CandidCarrie and the gang...come on, it's fun!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday Thoughts
This morning we warmed up to 36o but the temps are falling again already and they say next week we are going into the deep freeze...I hope they are wrong, it's been known to happen before, just see my last post.
Random scattered Thursday Thoughts for today:
I really like salt, a lot!
Is Christmas really just two weeks away? OH MY...
I am really not sure if I am going to MO for Christmas or not.
I am thinking of buying LilBlue a newer vehicle with less miles...
Living geographically separated in cold weather is not my idea of fun.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I am waiting for LilBlue to get home so we can have dinner. She stayed after school today. It is chicken tonight and hot tea with our meal since it is so cold, I know she is also going to want mashed potatoes so I should go get them peeled.
Stay warm, I am trying :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday Flashback
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thursday Thoughts
- I am cold...the weather is definitely feeling like winter today.
- I do not like cold...especially with wind.
- I like hot tea...especially on cold days.
- I love soup...especially homemade ones.
- I need to do laundry.
Hope you are having a swell day, I have been to the gym and tackled mountains of paperwork. Paperwork that I have neglected since MiB returned in October. I still have some organizing to do, but the bulk has been sorted, shredded and now just a small stack to take action with and some to still be filed! It has been a very productive day!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
1220 Reef Court