We rolled into Galveston via Surfside, TX which made MiB happy, even though he did not surf! Just the name of the town made him H.A.P.P.Y though!
We are staying right on the seawall and loving how close to the water we are, it's perfect! There are plenty of close by amenities as well and we are loving the area.
However, before we get going too far on G-Town just let me say we enjoyed SPI and on our last morning there was an awesome sunrise, which MiB and I enjoyed immensely!
Our trip up was uneventful...however, who knew there would be a border patrol check station???? Kind of odd and cool at the same time. We rolled up to a border patrol check station near Sarita, Texas and were asked if we were U.S. citizens; the whole encounter lasted only a few seconds, however, I have mixed feelings about this experience. I mean being asked if I'm a US citizen while on US soil and while traveling inside the UNITED STATES of America on a US highway by a person who appeared by all indications of Hispanic descent just seems weird. By ALL means I want terrorist and drug smugglers apprehended but this whole "check station" thing seemed a little odd and off and not at all effective and almost insulting...I'm having a hard time putting the thoughts I have into words on this so I hope I am not insulting anyone but conveying the uniqueness of what I felt in this situation...
Another BIG thing on this trip was that MiB drank water, yes H2O. I know right? This is a guy who rarely drinks water by choice but he did, I am so proud of him. He was a bit under the weather as we began this trip and I think he was trying to stay off the soda while mending, nonetheless he did drink water and so far VERY LITTLE soda, wowsa, this is BIG!
H2O drinker!
Surfside, TX
We were checked in to our room and had a great afternoon on the beach, MiB caught a few waves and we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon/evening on the beach. It was PERFECT beach weather. We indeed enjoyed every moment.
Before dinner surf session :0)
After the surf session we headed to the room to freshen up and find food. Wasn't tough as there was a great Mexican restaurant right in the same parking lot as our
hotel, we gave
Tortuga a go. Not bad!
MiB's burrito at Tortuga
However, as far as reviews go for the Quality Inn-Galveston, I cannot in good faith give it a GREAT review. Okay, yes, I suppose, however, our room, had definite odor issues, but location wise, it was wonderful. However, next time we visit we will most likely be looking
here. This little place was right around the corner and just looked clean and neat. I will be checking them out on our return visit for sure!!
All in all a really great day! I am sad as I know our time is drawing to a close...and this was the rest of our Thursday. Friday was full and fun as well! We beached it for the a.m.
Never know what you will see on the beach, LilBlue chuckled at this sight...
After beaching it we did a little more G-Town sightseeing before we met the Curtis Clan for dinner at a new location of an old favorite,
La Brisa. We visited the Baycliff location last year when we were here and the new location did not disappoint. Of course the company made the visit in all honesty, but the food was a nice plus. I personally think the tortilla soup is the bomb and the frozen 'rita's are the best I have even had. I am happy to return any day just for those :)
It was really neat to see our friends and their children, truly a highpoint!!
T, Little J and Me
Best Buddy and Lil Blue
The most spectacular J!!!
MiB and James
Three J's and LilBlue :)