Monday, September 1, 2008

Follow Up-Matthew 13

Okay, so this may make no sense to anyone but me, but my thoughts are my thoughts and these are my thoughts...

I think my teenager (and probably others) feel like Jesus. Yeah, I know I may be stretching this a bit but as it was being presented in the service yesterday I thought, wow, I think my teen could feel this way, not really respected in her own home, ouch that is harsh, as I AM the mom...but I think for a teen it may feel this way even though it may not be the reality...I really believe she has the mindset that she "don't get no respect" at home (their hometown). However, when she is not at home they are treated really cool, well thought of, liked by other people, it is all sooooo much better not at home. I know that I often hear things about my teen that astonish me (in a GOOD way), well, maybe not astonish, actually usually the things I hear make me proud, very proud, but sometimes it is things I find hard to believe because frankly I rarely see that type of behavior exhibited at home. So when I hear how responsible, caring and friendly she is and that she is the individual who goes out of her way to include others I think wow, that is not the same child I live with. Because trust me at home it doesn't quite go that way, in fact it is not on many occasions that she will help at home, speak friendly or go out of her way to be nice. So maybe this doesn't make sense to you, but it was a mini lightbulb moment for me and reminded me to try and do better in my treatment of my own teen, make her feel a little more respected in her own home and let her know that I do very much see her value and worth despite other circumstances and attitudes that I get from her...

That's it...that was my take away from J-time yesterday!

1 comment:

Larry Malcom said...

WOW>>>that's truly a lightbulb moment. I can see exactly what you mean. The 7000 miles of separation has made my own knowledge GROW about you and lil' blue.

While I thought I was a good parent, I now see that I have many failings. Each day that goes by I realize how much I did NOT do to make life better for Mrs. Blue and lil' Blue.

While my LOVE is there, I sometimes am afraid of not being around...I want so much to have the same relationship with my daughter that you have with your dad. I am envious...because I love her as much as your dad loves you.

LORD willing, someday lil' Blue will be as close to least I hope so.

Man in Blue