Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Thoughts!

I have been useful to our host this past week and it has made me feel really good! I was able to help out with kidlet duty from Thursday afternoon through Monday afternoon. Let me tell you, I think this is pre-grandmother training and they certainly put me through the paces. The girls are 4, 6 and 9, mother was out of town and father was working; need I say more! Thankfully, LilBlue helped out Saturday evening, which enabled us to get through bathtime without much ado. Overall, it was a very uneventful time, I had fun, they had fun!

Secondly, I am in the midst of staining and polyurethaning the trim and four doors in the basement where we are staying. I started by countersinking the nails on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, and today I have been staining. Tomorrow I will fill the nail holes and then do any sanding necessary, which hopefully will be very little and then move on to the process of polyurethaning. I would like to be totally done before Monday afternoon. Why am I doing this? Well, this gracious family added a bathroom in their basement and while it was finished, the trim and doors got put up without being stained and polyurethaned, so since I do have time on my hands I am helping out and again, it has made me feel very useful, a feeling I like =)

Thursday Thoughts!
  • I am a great microwave cook.
  • MiB is traveling again this week.
  • Radiation is going VERY well...PTL!
  • I really, really need to get back to running again!
  • We have a venue for the graduation celebration! PTL!

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