Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday Thoughts!'s is rainy and windy here today. Not great weather for guests to the Sunshine State, so I am hoping we are getting this out of our system before the big arrival on Monday. I hear "the littles" are soooo looking forward to seeing the ocean and going to the beach. Sister is nearly 2 and Hose B is 3.5 so it should be a great adventure for all!

MiB is "on the Hill" today. I do hope they are accomplishing their mission and that the folks they meet with hear their passion and heart regarding our military men and women and how we can better support them. It's always a balance with the political people, you have to get the word out and educate them on military matters and you have to do it with language that perks them up to take notice and hopefully strike a chord in them to be supportive no matter what their political party affiliation and make them understand it is not all about money.

I have many thoughts today, so narrowing it down might be a challenge but I think I can do it.

  • Today's weather is like a wild ride!
  • I really, really like roasted veggies!
  • I am so excited about the visitors coming!
  • Thankful we did not have owe more taxes!
  • We are going to South Carolina in a few weeks!
Okay, well, I have roasted veggies in the oven and can hardly wait for them to be done so I can gobble them up, they are the greatest. It's a new recipe I tried last month and I have made it probably 10 times since then, also took it to a gathering and to a sick friend's family. It is so easy and forgiving and interchangeable with whatever veggies you have on hand and it's super easy and best of all D E L I C I O U S!!!

Buon Appetito!!!

1 comment:

Susie said...

I hope he gets the support that he needs.