Friday, July 13, 2012

Oops, it's Friday!

I missed Thursday completely! I really mean I missed Thursday Thoughts. I fully had my Thursday, it was a full day. I was at the Attic as well as taking care of several errands and then attending an A&FRC session last night. Yes, it was a busy day!

Soooooo happy Friday, (I'm not going to make mention of it being Friday the 13th...) enjoy it. It's been amazingly rainy here this week, and I am not complaining one bit, I liked wearing jeans and real shoes yesterday. The humidity has still been off the charts but the temps milder and being inside AC makes me need my jeans and sweater.

It's been a good week, I have had some chunks of time at home which have been A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Looks like I might get more of that in the coming days as MiB will be traveling a bit. Then it's off to the beach with LilBlue and the BUD for some much needed downtime. I'm ready NOW :) Mostly to see LilBlue again but the beach will be great as well. Looking at things to do and have found a list too long to accomplish while we are there already! LilBlue said remember we are supposed to be on vacation...check! That's my cue NOT to over schedule "things"!

 I finally had watermelon...oh my, YES, it was wonderful, like I love, love, loved it! Super sweet and so yummy! I had no help eating over the last three days. I am ready to snag another one! Love all the wonderful produce available right now!

This week MiB was in the company of the Ruskies. Yeah, the Russians were here. Sounds like he and they had a wonderful visit to the USA and our base!

Hanging with the Russians!

 After he got home and overly proud of that Russian pin...

I gotta run it's another full day. Living life here in the AR-LA-TEX! Hope you are too wherever you are!

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