Saturday, May 14, 2011

As "Official" as it will be...

So the assignment has been re-determined...are you ready for it?

I am and I am still thinking, "This is the Air Force and my life, so don't get too used to it yet, cause ya know it could change before you actually get there!" 

HOWEVER, as of TODAY, we will be at...drum roll please...

Barksdale AFB in Shreveport, LUUEZEEEANA, or for you non phonetic types that is plain ole Louisiana, our 18th state. Yes, I know that because whenever we are going somewhere new I try to become somewhat smart on the area and scour the internet for any and all things in the area! This is just how I operate! The 2nd Bomb Wing will be our new home. This is a wing full of history and a lot of air muscle, we are excited to join this mission.

So sometime in July I should be back in a house with my MiB surrounded by lots of boxes of things I haven't seen in over a year! We will make our home in the south once again. We will be 8 hours from our family, only 3 hours from Dallas, and a long way from any surf; which saddens MiB but we will still plan to make the best of it as always and we will make several trips to the coast area while there I'm sure! We also have wonderful friends in TX and plan to connect with them as soon as we can! Not to mention many other things I am sure we will discover while we are there as we always do :)

So if you have a desire to visit this area plan to come and you will have a place to stay! I have been told we will be in "historical housing" which will be a huge change from the brand new housing we had in FL. I think it will be awesome no matter! Looking forward to being a "bomber" LOL

Y'all come see us ya hear :)

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