Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Mr & Mrs :)

We arrived E.A.R.L.Y this a.m. for another wedding in MO. Like 0015. Got some sleep, hit the White Grill with the Grands for lunch, loved on the Littles and then headed to the Chapel!

My cousin is getting married today. Weddings are such fun events, this was no exception. After a simple civil ceremony we enjoyed a lively reception afterwards. It was neat to see the family. Always good to catch up and see how much our children have grown and the new additions. Always good to meet new folks too and do some reuniting with old friends and acquaintances! Usually these events are full of mini reunions all over the room and always lots of fun! This was no exception. 

It was REALLY sunny in the chapel...I squinted much of the time!!

My favorite part of the processional, except the bride walking in, of course!

The ceremony was short and sweet and did the job. My dad made sure I saw on his watch that it had lasted 16 minutes as I had piped in earlier we'd probably be done in under 15 minutes. I was only a tad off. And as dad put it we drove/would drive an hour (round trip) for each of those minutes.

 Here she comes, there she goes!

The OFFICIAL part!

Officially Mr & Mrs :)
 Bubbles away...

At the reception we enjoyed some wonderful smoked meats and great sides! It was tasty. Thanks to the cookin' cousins for doing the spread, again, it was tasty! Then there were cupcakes, LOTS of cupcakes; and there was wedding cake of course, cause it was a wedding after all! Now those were all fine and good but I personally enjoyed the mints the most. They are my absolute favorite and I ate waaaaaay too many, but each one was yummy!  And just to clear any misconceptions, these are not store bought mints, which can be lovely, I like those too, especially the butter kind. Which are sometimes very difficult to find! BUT these, these mints were the homemade ones. Made with one of my favorite things, cream cheese! Oh yes, I did just say c r e a m c h e e s e. So, you know these are some kind of awesomegood mints and I did eat many; like 12 dozen or so, they are small. Okay, maybe not 12 dozen, maybe they aren't THAT small...I know I had at least A dozen :/ aaaaackkkkkk

 Cupid Shuffle :D

So after our dining on the lovely meal and indulging in the cake there was dancing. LilBlue and MiB participated more in this than did I but MiB and I did take a turn on the dance floor. It was a wonderful, celebratory evening!

Again, HUGE CoNgRaTs to the new Mr & Mrs! So glad we were there to spend your special day with you!


Frizzy said...

Looks a lot like the church Scott and I were married in. What's the name of it and where?

Bettina said...

Cottey Chapel, Nevada, MO

Frizzy said...

We were married at the Longview Chapel just outside of Lee's Summit.

Too fun! I love old churches like that!