Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just Thankful!

I don't think I am always outwardly thankful, but inwardly I feel I am at least in the big picture kind of way! I am not always so verbal in my thankfulness, but I think I show it in other ways. How are you thankful? Some give gifts out of their thankfulness (not usually me), some verbalize (again, not so much), others show it (this is more me). I DO things, I might write a note and send to someone out of the blue cause I have been thinking about them and how thankful I am for them. I might DO something else for someone, an act of service (bake favorite treats, cook favorite meals, clean out car, mow lawn, paint, clean house, shop, etc) that I know they would do themselves or want done that they just haven't found the time to do or can't. I might hire someone to do what someone wants done if I cannot do it on my own or distance is an issue. I might endorse a purchase someone wants to make but they think they shouldn't (mostly with MiB even though we can afford it).

My thankfulness looks different depending on the circumstances, not only ours but theirs. I'm sure this is true for you too. Though I want to be clear it is not about just giving for me, it's also much about the doing and that doing is preferable what I personally can do. Me giving up my time or resources for someone else. It's that kind of thing. I am choosing to do this because I am thankful for them or my own circumstances that has allowed me to help them. Hope it makes sense...

Honestly, this happens more with those I know, and usually know well, but I also find thankfulness when doing for those I don't know very well or at all. Giving out of abundance for something or someone you don't know can be humbling. Not just writing out a check, but getting in the trenches to do. Bell ringing comes to mind since we are approaching the Christmas holiday and they are looking for bell ringers, but there are many other examples too! And over the years I am thankful we give even when it means we have to cut back in our own budget to do it (some call this sacrificial giving) or you don't know exactly how it will impact your own circumstances (giving based upon faith). It's kind of risky when you do that but we have never been disappointed in the outcome! Faith plays a pretty big part on us when we do this type giving.

I just pray you are thankful, that you have a thankful heart, especially if you are reading this...I mean if you are reading this that tells me you are able to be on the internet, that you live in such a way that you are free to do so. Make sense? It does to me...and I just want to make it clear I AM thankful everyday for the life I have, even when it might not appear that way, even when my attitude needs to be in check. I so know I am blessed beyond measure, I live in a free country, I have plenty of food in my pantry, I have heating and cooling at the flip of a switch, I have running water, I have transportation, I am clothed well and the list could go on and on in the material realm. I am also thankful in the human relation realm, I have family, friends and neighbors! Relationships. Those are all things I am thankful for as well. Honestly, I live in such luxury when you get right down to it it's almost embarrassing, so do you...think not? Seriously? You probably do...

I am thankful, just very thankful...

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