Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 Days of Miltary Life ~ Day 5


Today is a milestone for us! And since 1984 we have celebrated this day. It was on this very day back in 1984 that MiB asked me to marry him. PLEASE NOTE this is NOT the day we got married just the day that he asked!  It is the day I said, "YES"! We celebrate this day every year, we make it special, we do fun things. One year I got him a tie and told him I would "tie the knot with him again any day" other years we just take the time to go to dinner, just us and away; other years I have made a special dinner; he has also been the dinner maker...he does an awesome steak on the grill with a baked potato and a nice green salad!. There have been several years where we have not been together on this day but we still try to make it special. we usually do cards. We have done funny, serious, sentimental and even homemade. I have filled his car with balloons, he has brought me flowers, and even candy! It's just a day we celebrate in our world.

 Oh yes he did!

As far as relating this to military life, well, sometimes you have to make your own fun, your own traditions, your own way. You don't usually have blood relatives around, so you make it with who and what you got. It works and it's fun! Everyday is not a celebration, but I recommend ALWAYS taking the time to celebrate; take time to smell the roses so to speak. Life is way too short and too precious not to celebrate. And celebrate the little things right along with the big. We have seen families lose loved ones unexpectedly, it's not fun, so be a celebrater, doesn't matter that it's not a BIG day, make it BIG in your world, fuss about the great things, make a party out of an accomplishment little or big cause it's those things you will remember and will hold on to as some of your best moments! Trust me, so get out there and find something to celebrate or make something up, life is good, but you may have to work at it sometimes to get it that way.

In 2009, I made note of this day... and I did it again in 2010, the post from 2010 has more of a military life feel to it as we were far apart. But both are a pretty good read if you have the time!

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